Your school social worker
Why see a school social worker?
About social workers
What does a social worker do?
More about social work

Who is your school social worker?

Mrs. Petromelis


How can you access the school social worker? 

Ask your teacher, and he or she can call or email me. You can also fill out the referral form and put it in the social worker's mailbox right outside of my office, or ask to see me when you see me in the hallway.


How often can I see Mrs. Petromelis for help?

However often you need it if you are in crisis, but..... students are not allowed to use seeing Mrs. Petromelis as an excuse to get out of class time. 

Most students see me 1 time a week either in a counseling group or individually if they need my support on a regular basis.

If someone needs more intensive support, I may refer them to a therapist/counselor in the community for outside of school help.



School social workers teach students skills to help them make good ________________ .



True or False? What is said to Mrs. Petromelis, stays with Mrs. Petromelis!

True! This is called confidentiality.

I will always keep things private UNLESS:

1) Someone is hurting you

2) You want to hurt yourself

3) You want to hurt someone

4) Or, you tell me I can share!


How long has Mrs. Petromelis worked at Red Mill?

This is my sixth year at Red Mill!


True or False? Students are in trouble if they go to see Mrs. Petromelis.


Students come to see me for many different reasons and are never in trouble. 


How often will the school social worker come to my classroom.

Mrs. Petromelis will visit my classroom periodically to speak to my teacher or to a student.  

She will also come to your class to teach a special social emotional lesson approximately 1 time a month for a 30 minutes, as long as there are no student or school emergencies.


In what ways do school social workers help students?

Social workers help students when they are in crisis, and they talk to students individually, in small groups, and in the classrooms.  School social workers also talk with teachers, principals, and with parents or other staff to help students.


True or False:  Social Workers are good listeners.

True!  I will sit with you and listen to everything you have to say, without judgement.


True or False:  Mrs. Petromels is the only social worker at Red Mill.


Mrs. Sorensen is also here to help at times.


What are at least two things that a student might talk with Mrs. Petromelis about.

Difficulties- at home, with friends, schoolwork. Social workers can help with all types of uncomfortable feelings, like anger, fear, sadness and anxious feelings. Mrs. Petromelis also helps kids with family changes, the lost of a loved one, building self-esteem, making friends, problem solving and conflict resolution, and so much more.


How should a student behave in a class that Mrs. Petromelis is teaching? 

Mrs. Petromelis has the same expectations that all your teachers have-- Be respectful, be responsible, be safe, and be kind.  Most of all be real!  Be honest with the social worker and yourself.


Are school social workers in charge of discipline?

No- Mrs. Squillace is in charge of making sure students are being safe and following the rules, as our principal. I do work closely with Mrs. Squillace to help students so that every student is successful and safe.


Where is my office located?

In the main hallway, right across from the glass doors that the students use to go out for recess.

It is also in the same office suite that Mrs. Harling and Mrs. Sorensen work in.


True or False: Mrs. Petromelis was a teacher before becoming a school social worker.


I have worked as both a certified school counselor and a licensed social worker for a total of 26 years. 


True or False? Everyone will know why I'm going to see Mrs. Petromelis, if I ask to see her. 

False. Students come to see me for many different reasons and your privacy is important! The self-referral form is also an easy and confidential way to see me. When you meet with me, the things we talk about are private unless you are hurting yourself, someone else, or someone is hurting you.


True or false - It is ok to be mad or have other strong emotions about a problem at school.

True!  All feelings are ok to have.  It is how we handle our feelings that can be good or bad. 


When I am in the social work office, what are things that Mrs. Petromelis can do to help me feel better?

I can support you by listening to your thoughts and feelings, and by teaching you different coping skills. 

We can learn coping skills through a variety of fun activities such as reading books, playing games, doing crafts & activities, and by talking things out.


True or False: Social workers fix student's problems.

False!  Social workers listen and help the students to discover different ways to manage/resolve their own problems.


Name at least one thing Mrs. Petromelis likes to do for fun.

Vacation in Aruba



Take walks

Watch her son play baseball

Talk to my daughter, who is away at college

Eat chocolate


How quickly will I get to see the social worker if I need to see her? 

Mrs. Petromelis will prioritize seeing students that are in need. Sometimes it may be immediately and sometimes it may be the next day.  


Does Mrs. Petromelis do other things besides counseling in the school?

Yes! Mrs. Petromelis helps to run our Character Education Program, and Best of the Bus, and she facilitates the NYS Mentoring Program at Red Mill. Mrs. Petromelis also helps families in need around the holidays and runs our school backpack program.  She leads the Red Mill Student Council.


How many students do I work with at once in my office?

It depends on the situation.  Sometimes I will have just 1 student, but other times I might have between 2 and 6 students.  


True of False: Mrs. Petromelis cares about and will help all students at Red Mill.

True.  I will always help all of you!  You are all very important to me!!!
