when you're yelling at someone in a letter what end would you use?
what is!
solve this equation.
what is 2
who is the person who created the Moana Lisa?
what is Leonardo DaVinci.
Leonardo DaVinci created what painting?
what is The Moana Lisa.
what word means an educated guess?
what is hypothosis
name one thing you should never do in a professional email
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2 x 1
what is 2
who, or what killed most Native Americans
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what is thee study of life
how did the turkey lose his leg while telling his story
what is cus the kid ate it up
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why did the chicken not cross the road
what is cus KFC's dry Bisuits
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what is
what year was peanut butter made
what is 1895
to have art in the 3rd dimenson
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what does DNA stand for Darius' opinion?
what is DAN
what you called a magic owl
what is Hoodini
solve this problem
what is
who is the first "group" of people to discover America.
hint not Columbus
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why is The Moana Lisa so famous?
what is painting theft
what science teacher got canceled on Disney
what is Bill Nye