Covina High Mascot
What is a Colt/Horse?
This is the equation for linear graphs
what is y=mx+b
She has a very bad reputation with all freshman alike
Who is Mrs.Howell
She is the only classroom that has a whole building complex to herself (besides cheer)
What is Room P1
This junior got a time of 11.58 in the 100 meter dash at the Covina/Northview/South Hills 3 way meet
Who is Matt Mannino
This popular area of the school is located on Puente Street
What is the Teacher Parking Lot?
this equation is used for functions with curved lines
what is y=a(b)^x
He is loved by all students alike
Who is Mr.Wingfield
The classroom that some people just don't like going into
What is Room M5
He has a PR of 14 feet from the San Dimas duo meet
Who is Aaron Rodriguez
This school organization puts on fun events for the school to enjoy
What is ASB
A pattern with constant addition or subtraction
What is an Arithmatic Sequence
He is the most popular teacher on Campus
Who is KG
3 math teachers share this 3-building complex
what are the G buildings
He has a PR of 5'8 leading Covina in High Jump
Who is Daniel Hernandez
Many athletes either Love or Hate this room depending on how they feel physically
What is the weight room
A pattern with constant multiplication or division
What is a Geometric Sequence
She loved Rent's plot just a wee bit more than Cinderella
Who is Mrs.Silver
All athletes love this classroom...for the most part
What is room D2
She PRed 7'6 at the Qualifier and is 2nd Overall for women's pole vault
Who is Jeanette Hernandez
It is a tradition that only Seniors are allowed to hand out here
What is the Senior Grass Area
An infinite number that is said to have 100,000+ numbers in it
What is Pi
He's been here for 10+ years and REALLY likes his 5th period freshman
Who is Mr.Munoz
Only a handful of Comp/Lit 1 freshman know this classroom
What is Room E2
This freshman is 6th overall for Boys Pole Vault with a PR of 9 feet
Who is Marcial Velazquez