Keep this clean and packed for the next day
True or False: It is okay to watch tv while studying/completing homework
Before taking a test, you should have
Had several study sessions prior
The first thing you have to do to take good notes
listen actively
A great on-the-go way to quiz yourself
Always use this to write down assignments, due dates and events
a planner
Research shows we all study best when it's
The least effective way to study for a test is
cramming information the night before or morning of - those times should be a review
Good notes are
True or False: Writing down due dates for homework assignments, tests and projects can help you significantly
Take time before and after school to clean and organize your
Research shows we should take short breaks every
30 minutes
One way to combat text anxiety is
use relaxation techniques and review notes daily.
Bonus** Name 3 coping skills you can practice
Notes should include
main ideas and key points
Using an acronym will help you to memorize. An example of an acronym
Use these to separate, store and protect your paperwork
When tackling big assignments it is best
to break them up into smaller chunks over time
You can take care of your physical needs before a test by
Getting enough sleep and eating
A good way to make taking notes quicker
Auditory, Kinetic and Visual are the three
learning styles
This is the first thing you should do when you get your test/quiz
Read the directions!!! *** Highlight and underline as well
If you have homework in more than one class you should start with
hardest subject.
The most effective way to study for a test
Review your notes daily
*This will be our last question ***
One proven method of taking good notes is called
What is The Cornell Method
True or false: Setting a timer to help you with time management while studying is a great way to help your brain stay alert and focused