name 4 out of the 7 affirmations (repeat after me)
I am strong I love my body
I am brave I love my mind
i can do hard things I love my class
I love Jesus
How old is CES? (how long has the school been open?)
75 years
Whos classrooms has dancing ribbons?
Mrs tucker, the music room
What event do you dress up as a cowboy/cowgirl?
Western Day
What other job does Coach Cat have?
Swim Coach
What time does the bell ring in the afternoon?
What is the mascot of CES?
What room has the most books in it?
The Library
What event do you celebrate other countries and eat yummy food?
Around the World
What is ms M's name?
Whats Mrs Cats full first name?
What color polos are you allowed to wear? (must name all colors)
Red, Green, blue, white
Who has the smallest room/office?
Coach Cat
What is the actual name of the Christmas program?
Who is Mrs Tucker related to?
Mrs and Mr Hanes
What happens 1 time a year in the Bailey room?
The Book Fair
What is the only drink you are allowed to have besides water?
This office is in the back of a hallway, known as the cave
Spanish office, Mrs Ms room
What event is outside with competitive games?
Field Day
What teacher has been at CES the longest?
Mrs Unger; over 20 years
how long has mrs Sandi been here?
What colors must your socks be?
Where are the teacher mailboxes?
Teachers lounge
What event does each class make a big piece of artwork to be sold off for money?
CES Auction
Who works here but also went to 4th and 5th grade here?
Mrs Oliver