District Policies & More
District Goals
Reporting & More
School Drills More

What should you do if your ID/SWIPE Card is lost, stolen, or misplaced?

a) wait a few days to see if found

b) report immediately to administration

c) re-track your steps and wait one day

ID/SWIPE cards must be reported immediately to administration to deactivate and retrieve new one.


What is District Goal # 1? 

a) student safety 

b) student growth in technology 

c) student achievement

Student Achievement


What behaviors fall into the bullying category? 

a) Race, gender, color, sexual orientation, national origin, children of immigrants

b) Religion, Gender Identity and Expression, ancestry, mental, physical or sensory disability

c) all the above

c) All the above

Protective Categories

Race                Gender

Color                Sexual Orientation

Religion                Gender Identity and Expression

Ancestry                Mental, Physical, or Sensory Disability

National Origin        Children of Immigrants

Any other Distinguishing Characteristic


What are the steps to take when reporting Sexual Abuse? 

a) Call parents immediately and report, questions student and report to administration, call DCPP and notify of incident and call school counselor  

b) Do not question student and do not inform parents, notify administration immediately,           Administrator will call prosecutor’s office first            Administrator will call Superintendent’s Office Administrator will call DCPP                                Notify Counseling Office

b) Do NOT question student/ Do NOT inform parents Notify administration IMMEDIATELY          Administrator will call prosecutor’s office first            Administrator will call Superintendent’s Office Administrator will call DCPP                                Notify Counseling Office


Unoccupied Classrooms must be put into?

a) Visible mode

b) Lockdown mode 

c) Unlocked mode 

"Lockdown" Mode

Doors locked, lights off, and shades drawn. 

Otherwise, shades should be up.  

Classroom should be visible to others while the room is occupied


How many fire drills and security drills are schools required to conduct each month? 

a) one a month

b) three a month

c) two a month 

Schools are required to conduct One Fire Drill and One School Security Drill each month with a minimum of TWO of the following per year.


What is District Goal #2?

a) community connection & communication

b) community involvement and participation

c) community leadership & collaboration 

Community Connection & Communication


As soon as BSI, Inclusion, Resource, ESL, Band and String teachers have their class rosters together who should they email it to? 

a) Linda Bandurski and CC Mrs. Kenning

b) Linda Chavez and CC Mrs. Kenning 

a) Linda Bandurski and CC Mrs. Kenning

Please include ID #'s on the lists and email this list by September 9, 2022 to secretary Mrs. Reyes


What steps do you take when reporting Child Abuse?

a) Teachers must report to administration immediately, teacher must report to DCPP and Notify Counseling Office.

b) Teacher reports to counselor immediately, teacher reports to administration, principal calls DCPP. 

a) Teachers must report to administration immediately, teacher must report to DCPP and Notify Counseling Office.


What is the Line of Sight? 

a) The Line of Sight where the class can be seen through the window

b) The Sight Line from the middle of the room to the door

c) The point no one can be seen from the door or window

The point no one can be seen from the door or window 


When ending an Emergency Procedure like a lock-down or shelter in place you will hear an announcement that says ? 

a) Person #1- “  This is ___Name__,__position__. The Lockdown/shelter in place is over.**WAIT A MINIMUM OF 30 SECONDS** Person #2  “This is ___Name___,___Position___. The Lockdown/Shelter in Place is over." Today is __Day__, __Month__,____Date__, _Year__. It is now __Time__.

b) Person #1- “  This is ___Name__,__position__. The Lockdown/shelter in place is over.**WAIT A MINIMUM OF 15 SECONDS** Person #2  “This is ___Name___,___Position___. The Lockdown/shelter in place is over." Today is __Day__, __Month__,____Date_. It is now __Time__.

a) Person #1- “  This is ___Name__,__position__. The Lockdown/shelter in place is over.**WAIT A MINIMUM OF 30 SECONDS** Person #2  “This is ___Name___,___Position___. The Lockdown/Shelter in Place is over." Today is __Day__, __Month__,____Date__, _Year__. It is now __Time__.


What is District Goal # 3? 

a) implement more school safety systems 

b) increase in safety and security school staff training 

c) safe & secure schools

safe & secure schools


Where can you find Emergency Forms and Dismissal Forms? 

a) Online

b) classroom

a) Online


How often should teachers mailbox be checked?

a) daily

b) once a week 

c) twice a day

c) twice a day

CHECK MAILBOXES for notices/messages upon ARRIVAL to school, and at LUNCH TIME, as notices are expected to be handed out on the day they are placed in your mailbox.


During a Non-Fire Evacuation everyone evacuates to what location?

a) Location A - same as a fire drill outside of school

b) Location B - Do not evacuate building

c) Location C - "See you later" Evacuate to designated location

  • Evacuation

    • Non-Fire Evacuation

      • Location A - same as a fire drill outside of school


To initiate a lockdown through classroom or school phones what keys do you need to press?

a) *11

b) 911

c) *77

a) *11


What is District Goal # 4? 

a) high quality education

b) fiscal accountability

c) allocate higher funding to all schools 

fiscal accountability


By what time should you submit student attendance on Realtime? 

a) 9:05AM

b) 9:30AM

c) 9:15AM

c) 9:15AM


When should student attendance be reported to Mr. Castro, School Counselor? 

a) Any student who is absent 5 days

b) Any student who is absent 3 days

c) Any student who is absent 8 days

a) Any student who is absent 5 days

After ten times absent the principal must be notified and in turn must contact the parent for a meeting and offer the parent crisis assistance.


During a Fire Evacuation everyone evacuates to what location?

a) Location A - same as a fire drill outside of school

b) Location B - Do not evacuate building

c) Location C - "See you later" Evacuate to designated location

Location C - "See you later" Evacuate to designated location


To help with student referrals, behaviors and incident teachers need to maintain what?

a) Maintain daily behavior logs, student work samples, & copies of notes to/from parents and phone logs.

b) Maintain phone calls, student incident reports and points. 

a) Maintain daily behavior logs, student work samples, & copies of notes to/from parents and phone logs.

Parents should be made aware of behaviors  in a timely manner by teacher.


Teacher Daily Schedule is due to Main Offifce by? 

a) September 8th 

b) September 12th 

c) September 21st 

b) September 12th 

Daily Schedules should reflect 90 minutes of ELA & 60 minutes of Math, Fundations (Gr. K-3), Guiding Reading Time and Math Stations


How do staff and teachers sign in daily?

a) Sign in the office manually 

b) QR Code / Google Form

c) No sign in required

b) QR Code / Google Form


What doors do grades K, 2&3 and 4&5 enter and exit through each day? 

a) K- Cafe doors, 2&3 Clifton Ave doors, 4&5 Playground doors.

b) K- gym doors, 2&3 Playground doors, 4&5 Van Cleve Ave. 

a) K- Cafe doors, 2&3 Clifton Ave doors, 4&5 Playground doors.


During a "Bomb Threat" you should search the areas of the classroom from: 

a) ceiling to floor 

b) ground to hip, hip to head, head to ceiling

c) ceiling to head, hip to ground

Ground to hip, hip to head, head to ceiling
