It is respectful to use kind words and __________.
It is responsible to be ___ time.
How do you show ready hands?
Folded hands together
It is safe to _______ directions.
For breaks, Take 5 is ___ at a time.
One (1)
Show respect by keeping personal _________.
It is responsible to complete all assigned _____.
If you are ready, your desk top is _____.
Clear / Empty
True or False: It is safe to run with scissors.
Don't talk over anyone. Wait your ____ and raise your hand.
True or False: It is respectful to wait in line patiently.
Even if you are distracted, it is responsible to _____ on task.
When we're in class, we show we are ready with our eyes by having eyes on ________.
The teacher / Mrs. Brazzle or Mr. Grover
Appropriately / Correctly
Leave the place _________ than how you found it.
Be an active ___________. (Hint: think how you can show respect with your ears...)
It is responsible to manage your _____.
Organize your ________.
Belongings / Stuff
Yes or No: Is it safe to share food with friend at lunch?
No: they could have diet restrictions so they can't eat certain foods, like diabetes or allergies.
Treat others how _____ want to be treated (and their stuff).
Answers may vary.
What is 1 thing you need to bring to school every day? (Hint: You turn it in to Mrs. Brazzle every morning)
Signed Feedback Sheet
Demonstrate how you would get "ready" for lunch.
Get lunchbox, stand in line, wait for teacher
In general, it is best and most safe to keep your _____ and ______ to yourself.
Hands and Feet
Focus on _________, not your neighbor.