What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Should you walk or run in the hallway?
How should you speak to Ms. Stevenson and others in the classroom?
Use kind and appropriate words with appropriate tone.
How do we treat substitute teachers?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
True or False:
Integers are always negative
What time do the class bathroom?
8 o'clock, 10 oclock, and 12, oclock!
How should students behave in the hallway?
Students walk quickly and quietly to their class.
What should you do if you are absent?
Ask Mrs. Whitehead for make up work, and your classmates for notes.
When should you be on your chromebook?
Working on an assignment, taking notes , math lab, and success period.
True or False:
Whole numbers are only positive
When will you have homework?
When you do not finish your work in class.
What are you not allowed to wear in the school?
A hat, hoodie, or jacket.
When should you go behind or grab things off of Mr. Whitehead's desk?
What should you bring with you to class?
Pencil, paper, folder, and notebook .
Find X:
What do you do when you enter the room?
Grab your chrome book and start on your bell ringer.
Is there running allowed in the hallway at any time?
What do you do if you need a pencil?
Trick question!! You should bring your own pencil to class
What happens when you cursed the first time in class?
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
Find X:
How many PBIS points can you earn every period?
How loud should students be talking in the hallway?
Inside voice.
What can you not eat in the classroom?
What does P.B.I.S stand for?
Positive Behavior Intervention Support