What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Should you walk or run in the hallway?
Another class is making noise in the hall, that means...
Absolutely nothing, you do what you're supposed to do and ignore them.
How do we treat substitute teachers?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
I have a note to give Ms. Wilkening, where does it go?
The "For Ms. Wilkening" basket on her desk.
I was absent... What should I do?
Check the absent work folders... Complete work and turn into late work basket. If it's digital, turn in the half sheet.
Where should your hands be when we are walking in the hall?
At your side
How do I know what materials I need for class?
Check the board
When should you be on your tablet or device?
When a teacher has told you to get on your computer or after you ask!
When announcements come on I should...
Stop everything I'm doing and listen.
What should I do when I get to Ms. Wilkening's room?
Come in quietly, go directly to your seat, check the board for instructions.
What is the noise level for the hallway?
Level Zero- Lips are sealed
When should you go behind or grab things off of Ms. Wilkening's desk?
What is the food and drink policy?
Food and other beverages stay in cafeteria.
What are our classroom rules?
Be kind & respectful
Be responsible & safe
Be prepared & focused.
Stay in your seat.
We are family.
What are Ms. Wilkening's attention signals
-The bell
-"Give me 5"
How should you walk in the hallway?
-Single file
What hand signals do we use in class and what do they mean?
One finger (bathroom)
Two fingers (pencil)
Three fingers (tissue)
What happens if you get into trouble?
A teacher will talk to you, parent phone call home, lunch detention, or office referral
What is Ms. Wilkening's dog's name?
I have homework, what should I do with it?
Turn it in to the bin at the student station
What should the hallway look like during dismissal?
Students quietly walking to the bus, car, or other areas.
What should you do if Ms. Wilkening steps out of the room?
Sit in your seat quietly and wait until she returns.
When should you follow directions?
The first time you are asked!
What time do I need to be in my seat, ready to go for the day?
9:15 A.M!