What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be called on.
Where should students wait before being allowed in the classroom?
In a line in the hallway.
When is the best time to go sharpen your pencil?
During independent or group work.
When do we get up to throw away trash?
At the end of class (or if the trash can is coming around the room)
When can you use your phone to contact parents or others during the school day?
Parents must contact the office to get ahold of you or if you have permission from an adult.
How should you speak to Ms. Roussel and others in the classroom?
Use kind and appropriate words with appropriate tone.
How should students behave in the hallway when moving to class (or lunch)?
Walking single-file and not talking.
What should you do if you are absent?
You should check Google Classroom as well as get missed notes from a friend/shoulder-partner.
What should you do with any papers that need to go home to parents?
Put them in your take-home folder!
What color is Ms. Roussel's dog?
Black and white
What is Ms. Roussel's signal to get the class to be quiet?
She will count down from 5.
Walking feet!
When should you go behind or grab things off of Ms. Roussel's desk?
NEVER! (unless I specifically ask you to do so!)
What should you bring with you to ELA class?
Your take-home folder and yourself! (maybe a book to read if you finish assignments early)
What are the two ways you can earn pizza from Ms. Roussel?
1. By earning 100 ClassDojo points
2. By having the class with the most ClassDojo points
How do we treat substitute teachers?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
Is there running allowed in the hallway at any time?
When do you throw things in the classroom?
NEVER (unless it's for an activity).
Walk over to get or give something.
What are the three things we need to do at the end of class before we can leave?
1. Put away notebooks.
2. Tidy up desks.
3. Sharpen pencils.
Don't text or call Ms. Roussel after what time?
When are you able to go to the bathroom?
During independent or group work (remember to use the crossed-finger signal!)
How loud should students be talking in the hallway?
Students shouldn't be talking in the hallways (be respectful of other classes!)
Can you eat in the classroom?
At breakfast (in your homeroom) and if snacks have been given as a reward.
What are the five things you should do when you enter the classroom?
1. Put down my bag/supplies
2. Grab my notebook quietly
3. Sit down quietly
4. Read the board for the Agenda
5. Write down homework and begin Do Now
If I can not handle sitting where I want, what will happen?
1 Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Relocated for the day
3rd Offense: Permanent relocation
**Remember that choosing your own seat is a privilege!