What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Should you walk or run in the hallway?
What happens if you misbehave and/or don't follow classroom rules and directions?
Phone call home and/or write-up.
How do we treat teachers and classmates?
With respect and kindness.
(What are some examples of this?)
How can you earn rewards in this class?
By following directions, doing your work, and following the rules.
What is our procedure for using the bathroom?
-Wait until I'm done teaching
-Raise your hand
-Wear the hall pass
Which side of the hallway should you walk on?
Walk on the RIGHT!
How do I show the teacher that I am paying attention?
Stop talking, looking, and listening.
When should you be on your computer?
When a teacher has told you to get on your computer or after you ask!
What is one way to be RESPECTFUL at school?
Respectful looks like:
-speak to everyone nicely (especially teachers)
-clean up after yourself
-use materials correctly
When can you NOT go to the bathroom?
In the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class...OR if a teacher is talking/teaching.
What should you wear if you are in the hallway during class time?
Wear your HALL PASS.
What happens if you get more than 3 write ups?
Detentions, reflections, parent meetings, suspensions.
What should you bring with you to class?
Binder/notebook, Pencil, and a smile!
What happens when you are late to class?
You get written up.
How many people can go to the restroom during my class?
Only 1
When should you arrive to class?
ON TIME, before the bell rings, before class starts.(all acceptable)
What do you do when you make a mess?
Clean it up.
How many passes do I have in this class per quarter?
What am I responsible in this class?
my materials, cleaning my messes, being respectful, and coming prepared.
What should you do when you enter my classroom?
Come in, sit down, start the warm up, or wait silently ...unless the teacher says something different
What type of language should you use in the hallway?
School appropriate language should be used in the hallway.
What is the cell phone policy?
Away all day.
When should you follow directions?
The first time you are asked!
What can you do to earn rewards?
Being respectful, following directions, not interrupting people, doing your work.