What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Should you walk or run in the hallway?
How should you speak to Mrs. Kushniruk and any other adults in the building, including substitute teachers?
Use kind and appropriate words with appropriate tone.
How many minutes do you have for your bell ringer?
5 - 7 minutes
What is one way to be SAFE at school?
-keep hands and feet to self
-keep all chair legs on the floor
-stay in assigned seat
What is our procedure for leaving the class during class time?
-Wait until I'm done teaching
-Raise your hand
- Sign out on the log sheet
- Wear the hall pass
Which side of the hallway should you walk on?
Walk on the RIGHT!
What do you do when you return with a hall pass?
- enter the class respectfully
- sign-in on the log sheet
- return hall pass to desk
When should you be on a class Chromebook?
When a teacher has told you to get a Chromebook or after you ask and the answer is yes!
What is one way to be RESPECTFUL at school?
Respectful looks like:
-clean up after yourself
-use materials correctly
-have materials with you and use them appropriately
When can you NOT go to the bathroom?
In the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class...OR if a teacher is talking/teaching.
What should you wear if you are in the hallway during class time?
Wear your HALL PASS.
When should you help yourself to Mrs. Kushniruk or Other Teachers' things on or near their desks?
What should you bring with you to class?
Pencil, binder and a smile!
What is one way to be RESPONSIBLE at school?
-use appropriate language
-show up prepared for class
-visit only school-appropriate websites on Chromebooks
-follow directions
-follow cell phone policy
-do your work
-turn your work in on time
-be on time daily
How many people can leave the classroom at a time?
Only 1
When should you arrive to class?
ON TIME, before the bell rings, before class starts.(all acceptable)
What do you do to start class if there is no bell ringer?
Read a book or your notes.
Understanding that others in class have different ways of learning is an example of ______________?
What do you do if you are late for school or leaving early?
- sign-in at the office, before going to class if you are late
- sign-out at the office, before leaving the school during the school day
What should you do when you enter Room 211?
Come in, sit down, and work on the bell ringer, silently.
What type of language should you use in the hallway?
School appropriate language should be used in the hallway.
What is the CMS cell phone policy?
Based on Ministerial Order #14 enacted by the Alberta Government for the 2024/25 school year, students are not permitted to have any personal electronic devices in classrooms during instructional time. The order applies to, but is not limited to: cell phones, personal gaming devices, smart watches, and bluetooth capable headphones/earbuds.
Students are only allowed to have handheld electronic devices with them before school, during lunch and activity time, and after school. Students are prohibited from having their devices on them during instructional time.
Students needing to make urgent calls may use the student phone beside our office.
If parents or others need to contact students because of an emergency, they will need to call the school office, and their child will be contacted and brought out of class as required.
"If we see it, we take it"
When should you follow directions?
The first time you are asked!
Can you list three banned items, according to the CMS Schoolhandbook?
• weapons (including any type of knife / trainer knife / toy knives)
• tobacco products including vapes
• “slime”
• illicit drugs / alcohol
• laser pointers
• matches
• lighters
• energy drinks
• slurpees, pop (except in special circumstances if pre-approved by a teacher supervisor)
• toy weapons
Students must not bring these or similar items to school under any circumstances. If these items arrive at school, they will be confiscated, and consequences will be given. Possession of contraband items will result in confiscation and may result in suspension and/or expulsion.
Students who vape, smoke or chew tobacco in the school or on the school grounds are subject to a school suspension. Students who have drugs or alcohol in their possession or who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol in school or at a school related activity will be