What is the first thing you should do when you enter the school building?
Grab breakfast! (Or, head right upstairs to your class)
How many pencils should you get each morning?
Braden is raising his hand every time Ms. King asks him a question. Will he recieve a DOJO point?
Yes! He will receive a point up.
How do we line up for transitions?
By our classroom number.
Tracking the speaker, staying silent as friends are sharing, etc. (Many examples!)
What color is your morning work folder, and what color is your homework folder?
Depends on each class!
I need to use the restroom. When should I go?
During morning arrival, lunch/recess, and break!
Kenny didn't get a good night's sleep last night, so he puts his head down on his desk. Ms. Cormier asks him to pick his head up, but he doesn't. What will Ms. Cormier do?
She will take away a DOJO point from Kenny, because we need to have our heads up in order to be engaged in the classroom!
What is our volume expectation in the hallways?
What core value means "Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching"?
Merrilyn comes into school with her phone. What should she do with it?
Leave it in her backpack, or turn it in to the cell phone bin once inside the classroom!
When Jayla hears the teacher ring her chime, what should she do?
Turn her voice off and track the teacher.
Torello is on fire today! He is always raising his hand, tracking Ms. Gallagher, and turning his voice off right away when instructed to. What might he earn, BESIDES a DOJO point?
A Community Leader Form! Yay!
Who transitions you from lunch to recess?
It depends on your class!
Alexy is so excited to share, he is jumping up and down out of his chair, waving his hands back and forth, and yelling "Pick me, pick me!". Would he get a DOJO point up for engagement?
No, because he is not showing engagement correctly!
What volume level should your voice be at when completing your morning work?
How should I treat the school property, my classroom property, my property, and the property of my friends with __________?
Elsie gets a DOJO point down for tapping her pencil. She responds, "I don't care!" to Ms. Gallagher. What will Ms. Gallagher tell her to do?
She will tell Elsie to take a break.
What should our bodies look like in line?
Facing forward, hands by our sides, walking
Trick question: You can't! Tests and quizzes are individual :)
Where will your morning work be each morning?
On Mondays it will be in the bin and you will grab it. On Tuesdays through Fridays, it will already be in your seat sack!
When are you allowed to eat food?
During morning arrival, lunch, and snack ONLY.
Name 2 things you could get a CVV for.
Talking back to the teacher, Saying "shut up," refusing to follow teacher direction, etc.
Kristal is going SO slow in line! Ugh! What should I do to get her to speed up?
Trick question: Nothing, because our voices stay off in the hallways! The teacher will notice if it is impacting the entire line.
Khamaree keeps working as hard as he can on his math worksheet, even though it is really difficult. What core value is he showing?