What color is the pass for the restroom?
What do you NOT do during dismissal?
•Please DO NOT wait for you friends at dismissal
•Please DO NOT walk to other parts of the campus
What should you do at the start of class?
Grab your notebook, sit in your seat, and look at the board to see the 1st activity.
How should you get the teacher's attention during a lesson?
Raise your hand.
What is one of the cafeteria expectations?
1. Remain at assigned lunch table until dismissed to lunch line
2. Go through lunch line once
3. Throw away your trash when asked
4. Food and drinks must be consumed at lunch and may not be removed from the Cafeteria
When can you go to the bathroom?
10 minutes after class starts and 10 minutes before it ends
What is one of the expectations when transitioning to different classrooms?
•You walk with your hands at your sides/backs
•You walk with a voice level of One (1) so that other students may learn
•You walk in a single line, facing front, eyes forward, on the right side of the walkway
•You stop at all intersections and stopping points as the teacher directs
•You stop and let teachers pass through our line when they say, “Excuse Me”
•You only go to the area and in the direction, you are supposed to go. We are never out of our correct area
What will I do when I need to get students’ attention?
Press the doorbell
What happens if you are on your phone without permission?
It gets taken away and you will have to get it at the end of the day.
What is the school's motto?
We do right because it's right to do right.
If you are found without a pass or in the wrong area, what happens?
What do you do during a fire drill?
What should you do when done with a shared classroom computer?
Put it back in the computer cart at its assigned number.
What happens when you don't turn in your reflection sheet?
You will receive lunch detention until it's returned and signed.
What is one of the disqualifying factors of athletics, school day extra-curricular activites, and field trips?
1.Having the following referrals by date (at least 1 being a Level 2 or higher).
2.Having been removed from or been written a referral at an extra-curricular activities/dance.
3.Possessing a GPA lower than a 2.0 as reported in Skyward.
4.Failing a class.
What do you have to keep to yourself?
What do you do during a tornado drill?
Move to the pod and assume protective position
Which websites should you check to find classwork, homework, or grades?
Canvas and Skyward
What do you do before you leave class
Check your area and clean up your mess.
What are the Lincoln Park Academy's 5 P's?
Be Prompt
Be Prepared
Be Productive
Practice Respect
Practice Safety
The yellow hallway pass is used for what?
The clinic
Code yellow happens when, what?
A crime is being committed near the school campus or police is looking for a suspect.
If you were absent, where can you find missed work?
Student Corner or Canvas
When you need to use the bathroom, what do you need to do first?