Tell me 2 specific details about how to behave in the hallway
1. walk on right side
2. don't be too loud
3. walk with a purpose - don't just hang out
4. orderly fashion - don't be a pack of elephants
True or False: It is the student's responsibility to come to class prepared with supplies and a charged iPad?
True - students need to bring their own supplies and charge their iPad every night
True or False: You need permission to get out of your seat to sharpen pencil or get tissue
False - just do it without being disruptive to the rest of the class
True or False: When you are absent - that means that you are not responsible for the work that you missed
False - you have to makeup work that you miss when being out
In addition to your binder/notebook and your iPad, what is the one school supply you need in this class every single day?
a pencil pouch with supplies (pencils, earbuds, coloring supplies, etc)
Tell me 2 specific behaviors about how to act in the bathroom
1. go quickly and get out
2. keep it clean
3. get permission and make ehallpass before going
Mr. Overcash expects student to be kind and respectful to each other in his class. List two ways you can be respectful to your classmate in the classroom
Answers will vary
What do we do when an intercom announcement comes on?
we get quiet so that we can hear what is on the annoucement
What category is the biggest part of your grade in my class?
Classwork (50%)
True or False: I am allowed to snack and eat in my classes
Tell me 2 specific details about how to behave in the cafeteria
1. sit with your 3rd block class
2. once you sat down with food/supplies, stay seated
3. clean up after yourselves
4. don't be too loud
True or False: I need to raise my hand in order to speak or ask questions instead of just yelling out
What do you do when you come into class each day?
sit down and start on my bellringer (it will be in Canvas every day)
What are Mr. Overcash's biggest pet peeves? (things that bother him)
1. Putting pencil in pencil sharpener when he is talking
2. Asking to go to bathroom when he is in the middle of teaching
If a redirection and 1:1 conference does not correct your misbehavior, what might Mr. Overcash have to do?
1. minor or major office referral
2. bounce
3. parent contact
Tell me 2 specific details about how to safely act on the bus
1. stay in your assigned seat
2. don't be too loud (can distract driver)
3. no food and drink
At the end of the class period, what dismisses you to leave?
Mr Overcash does, not the bell. He will tell you when it is time to leave
Tell me 3 specific things about how to appropriately use your iPad
1. use for school work only (no games)
2. use only when teacher gives permission
3. no food and drink near it
4. don't let others use it
Mr. O does not assign homework to you - even though you won't have assigned homework, what are some things you could do at home to be successful this year?
1. study for quiz or test
2. study vocab words
3. catch up on missing work from being absent
What is the school wide rule for cell phones and watches? (be specific)
they should be turned off and in your backpack from the time you enter school until the time
that you leave in the afternoon
When I come to class every day, what are 3 things that Mr. Overcash expects from me?
1. participate and be involved
2. do your best (100%)
3. come prepared with supplies and positive attitude
What does "tracking the speaker" mean?
it means that we are actively listening to anyone who is speaking in the room - we use our
eyes, ears, and body language to the person speaking to be respectful
Tell me 3 specific rules/expectations for bowl time
1. help clean up equipment when its over
2. keep hands to self
3. stay in bowl area
Mr. Overcash says that I can expect to do well in his class, but only if ______________________
you are willing to put in the effort and work hard every day