The Eden School: An Experiential Classroom
The School of the Patriarchs: A Family Based School
The School of the Desert: An Intensive, Remedial Program
The School of Canaan: Community Based Education

The setting for this classroom

What is an outdoor classroom


The School of the patriarchs was a family school providing instructions regarding a God centered code of conduct. This patriarch who was a teacher was called a friend of God.

Who is Abraham


The school of the patriarchs, when fully implemented, preserved the worship of God over many generations. Unfortunately, during this period this was not the case. Hence a remedial programme was needed after this period.

What is Egyptian slavery.


These persons in the school of Canaan included parents, priests, and judges.

Who are teachers


The Teacher Who personally interacted with the students, providing guidance, clarifying consequences

Who is God


The purpose of this school was to provide loyalty to God and to serve as a bulwark against idolatry. I was a product of the patriarchal school. At first I seemed, I seemed only a spoiled favourite son but when taken from my school gave evidence that I learnt the lessons of the fear of God very well.

Who is Joseph


The School of the Desert was an intensive remedial program that was a system of mass education. This school started a little before the Israelites left this place when God instructed parents to gather their children into their homes so that they would not perish.

What is Egypt


Students in the school of Canaan included men, women, children, and “____________" who lived among them.

Who are “the foreigners" who lived among them.


The students in the School of Eden who were created in the Image of God

Who is Adam. Who is Eve


My time in the patriarchal school was brief but was the foundation of my success when I had to live in pharaoh's palace.

Who is Moses


Moses served as leader and head teacher for this school and his brother assisted him.

Who is Aaron


Students were taught principles of hygiene, diet, and dress. They were to learn practical skills, such as architectural design and construction,as well as the principles and practices that were to govern military operations. The ___________ also included an understanding of the judicial system and legal responsibilities

What is the curriculum


Study of God's creation; manual labour; principles of diet; understanding of the Great Controversy

What is the curriculum


The teachers in the school of the patriarchs were men and women of faith, the result of a personal relationship with ____________.

Who is God


The school had a large and diverse student population. Although primarily comprised of Israelites, the student body also included a ________   ___________ from among the Egyptians.

What is a mixed multitude


To prepare a people who would love God; to safeguard Israel’s spiritual allegiance; to serve as a _________ to other nations

Who is a witness


We failed this and were dropped from the programme, but were provided with hope, redemption and restoration.

What is the test of not eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil


The program of studies included the principles of _____________, and the development of key dispositions, such as kindness, courtesy, generosity and hospitality.

What is morality


The program of studies centered on this place which was an experiential, multimedia curriculum intended to reveal the plan of salvation. At the heart of the tabernacle was the Ark of the Covenant containing God’s visible presence and His law. In essence, God and His Word were at the center of the curriculum.

What is the Sanctuary


Community; home; sanctuary, particularly during the religious feasts and the Sabbatical year; covenant-based

Where is the setting for the Community Based School
