Domani vado a scuola presto
I'm going to school early tomorrow
He's the boy which/who lives next door
Mia sorella è pigra e sempre di cattivo umore
My sister is lazy and always in a bad mood
A dire il vero non mi piace la pizza
ACTUALLY I don't like pizza
"Don't open this door!"
She said no to open that door
Quando hai chiamato stavo dormendo
When you called I was sleeping
Here's the cake who/that I made
Ho cercato di fare del mio meglio nell'esame di matematica
I tried to do my best in the Maths exam
Eventualmente se ti serve aiuto chiamami
In case you need help call me
John: "I wasn't at school, so I know nothing about this test"
John said that he hadn't been at school, so he knew nothing about that test
La mia mamma non sapeva usare il computer quando era giovane
My mom/mother couldn't/wasn't able to use a computer when she was young
This is the girl whose/which brother lives in London
Il mio insegnante, che ha vissuto in Canada quando era giovane, parla molto bene il francese
My teacher, who lived in Canada when he was young, speaks French very well
Odio le ostriche
I hate oysters
John to Mary: "I didn't eat anything yesterday"
John told Mary that he hadn't eaten anything the day before
Nick ha intenzione di viaggiare in India l'estate prossima
Nick is going to travel to India next summer
I'm looking for a shop ______ sells skis
Quella ragazza, il cui fratello studia medicina, vuole diventare musicista
That girl, whose brother studies medicine, wants to become a musician
Non fare finta di dormire!
Don't pretend you're sleeping!
"What did you do last night?"
She asked (us/me) what (we/I) had done the night before.
Stavo installando un nuovo videogioco, quando squillò il telefono
I was installing a new video game, when the phone rang
"Do you like the bag I bought in London?"
Sono riuscita a fare i compiti senza chiedere aiuto a nessuno!
I managed to do my homework without asking anyone for help!
Sii ragionevole, non andare al Linguistico
Be sensible, don't go to Linguistico
Teacher to students: "Last week you were all absent so you must do the test tomorrow"
The teacher told the students that because they had been absent the week before, they had to do the test the next day.