Greasy breakfast food
What is b-a-c-o-n?
Has 8 legs
What is an o-c-t-o-p-u-s?
A country in East Asia
What is C-h-i-n-a?
Jug or _____ of milk
What is a g-a-l-l-o-n?
The ability to act, speak, or think without restrictions
Clue: in the constitution it is the first amendment,
_______ of Speech
What is f-r-e-e-d-o-m?
Curious George likes to eat it
What is a b-a-n-a-n-a?
Black and white stripes
What is a z-e-b-r-a?
Something you do every night
What is a-s-l-e-e-p?
If a couple is unable to have kids then they ____
What is a-d-o-p-t?
A high ranking officer is also called a _____
Clue: starts with the letter G
What is a g-e-n-e-r-a-l?
This drink makes you burp a lot
What is s-o-d-a?
Many of them are in the Jurassic movies
What is a d-i-n-o-s-a-u-r?
If someone is unhappy or annoyed about something or someone they do this
What is c-o-m-p-l-a-i-n?
A situation, question, or challenge that needs to be solved or fixed
What is a p-r-o-b-l-e-m?
America's national ________, the bald eagle
Synonym: a symbol
What is an e-m-b-l-e-m?