R U Safe?
p = m v
Car Safety Stuff
Adventurer's Grab Bag
The time it takes to recognize a situation and react to it.
What is reaction time.
This is the formula for velocity.
What is distance divided by time.
Measure of an object's motion and its ability to stay in motion.
What is momentum.
Seatbelts are an example of this safety feature.
What is restraining feature.
This Law states that the momentum of two colliding objects stays the same after a collision.
What is the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
The is the result of an improperly adjusted headrest.
What is whiplash.
A velocity graph, with "time" on the x-axis and "distance" on the y-axis shows a curved line. Does this mean the velocity is constant or changing?
What is changing.
The change in momentum. Calculated by multiplying force with time.
What is impulse.
If you didn't have a 4-point seat belt, this is the next best seat belt to restrain your upper body.
What is a 3-point seat belt or shoulder harness.
To stop a moving car requires a certain amount of impulse. If we were to shorten the stopping time, this would happen to the force felt by the driver.
What is increase or get stronger.
List 3 causes of impaired driving.
What is alcohol, prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, fatigue,
A velocity graph, with "time" on the x-axis and "distance" on the y-axis, shows a steep line on the graph. Does this mean the velocity is high or low?
What is high.
In this type of collision, the momentum of both cars cancel each other out, so the cars crush into each other and stop moving.
What is a head-on collision.
Aside from road safety features, these are the other 3 types of safety features.
What is restraining, operational, and structural.
Crumple zones on a car lessen the force and severity of a collision by doing this.
What is increase stopping time.
Caffeine is a ___(1)___ and alcohol is a ___(2)___.
What is (1) stimulant and (2) depressant.
A man drank 3 cups of coffee and suddenly has the urge to pee. He is 90 metres away from home and sprints home (to the toilet) in 3 seconds. What is his velocity with proper units?
What is 30 metres per second (m/s).
This force is involved in braking.
What is friction.
The reason why small children and babies shouldn't ride in the front seat.
What is airbags.
What are 2 solutions to being impaired (can be alcohol or fatigue) while driving?
What is - park the car and sleep - park the car, call someone to pick you up - if possible, get another friend in the car to drive
A person has their blood alcohol level measured, and it's below the legal limit. Give 2 reasons why they could still be driving impaired.
What is - they are tired/sleepy - new/inexperienced drinker so they're more sensitive to effects of alcohol - if they're a smaller person - they could be on prescription or non-prescription drugs
Student Curious sends a projectile pencil towards Student Confused at a velocity of 2 m/s and times the landing to be 4 seconds. How far apart are they sitting?
What is 8 metres.
This would happen to the momentum of a car if you doubled its mass.
What is double.
Name the type of safety feature for each one. 1) Windshield 2) Headlights 3) Bucket seats
What is 1) structural; 2) operational; 3) restraining.
List 2 things about how to properly position your seat, seatbelt, headrest.
What is - headrest should be close to your as possible - seatbelt should be low on your hips and not against your neck - seat should be pushed as far back as possible