Science in Motion
Weight and Mass
Food Chain/Webs

How many people state that soccer is their favorite sport?



What is the definition of "Acceleration"?

A change in speed or direction.


What instrument would be best to measure the mass of an object? A spring scale OR a balance?

A balance

Additionally you would need some other object to compare to the item being measured. 


Define "Ecosystem"

All the living and nonliving things in an area.


_________________ is defined as an animal that is killed and eaten by other animals. 



What were the most popular sport and least popular sport measured?

Most popular = basebal

Least popular = football


Speed is defined as how quickly an object is moving. In general, speed is calculated by dividing distance by time: s = d/t

Based on this definition and formula, what would the speed of a car be that travels 250 miles in 5 hours? (Yes you can use your calculators!)

50 miles/hour


___________ is defined as something that can cause a change in motion, such as a push or pull.



The picture of the bee and the flower is an example of which type of symbiosis? Why?

Mutualism because the bee is getting food from the flower, and carrying pollen from the flower which will pollinate other flowers it goes to, so both organisms are benefiting.


A _________ is an organism that obtains its energy by feeding on organic matter. 



What was the amount of muffins sold on Wednesday? 

5 muffins


Momentum is defined as a measure of how difficult it is to stop a moving object and is dependent on the mass of the object times its velocity. Based on this information which would be harder to stop: an avg size elephant charging at you or an avg size truck charging at you (considering they are both going the same speed)? WHY?

The elephant because it has a greater mass than the truck.


Which measurement (mass or weight) would change depending on where you took your measurements a, and which will always be the same no matter where you are?

Weight will change depending on where you are (because it depends on the pull of gravity) and mass will always stay the same (because it is a measure of how much matter is in an object).


List three biotic factors that might be found in a pond ecosystem.

Fish, frogs, algae, bacteria, worms, insects


In the food web shown, which organism(s) are considered TOP PREDATORS?

The hawk

The owl

The fox


From the data given in the graph, who was the smallest person measured and who was the largest person measured? 

Joyce was the smallest

Phillip was the largest


Energy is defined as the ability to cause changes, apply a force, or do work. Based on this definition and what we have learned in class, list two types/forms of energy.

Potential energy vs kinetic energy, chemical, mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, thermal, sound, nuclear.


If weight is affected by the pull of gravity, which planet/celestial body has the weakest pull of gravity based on the given data of weight?

The moon


The picture of the sea anemone and the clownfish is an example of which type of symbiosis? (Hint: the clownfish gets a home and protection, and the anemone gets protections for predators)



In the food web shown which organism(s) would be considered CONSUMERS?

All of the animals/Everything except the grass


Based on the line graph and the data provided, what four products are being measured and which product had the highest sales at the end of the period measured?

Coffee, Espresso, Herbal Tea, Tea

Coffee had the highest sales at the end of the period measured.


What forms of energy are happening in the given image of a fire burning?

Thermal energy, chemical energy.

Combustion changes the potential chemical energy into kinetic energy in the form of heat. For combustion wood combines with oxygen already in the air and undergoes a chemical reaction that gives off carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of heat and light.


The balance is even. Based on this knowledge and the information in the picture, what is the mass of the toy top?

126 g


The picture of the lions and hyenas is an example of which type of symbiosis?



In the food web shown which animals would be considered both prey and predators?

The snakes, the bird, the frog, 