The definition of an equinox
What is the sun shining equally on the northern & the southern hemispheres?
The process of gathering pollen from one flower and taking it to the next
What is pollination?
The direction water moves when it gets hot
What is heat rising?
The green color of leaves
What is chlorophyll?
what is the excretory system?
What is the sun shining mostly on one hemisphere more than the other?
Name four kinds of precipiation
What is snow, hail, sleet, rain, freezing rain?
THe three forms of water
What is solid ice, liquid water, and water vapor/gas?
the purpose of chlorophyll
What is to collect sunlight?
The body system that moves blood throughout the body
What is the circulatory system?
THe reason why there is less sunlight in the fall
What is precipitation, evaporation, and condensation?
What is the form of water when it gets hot?
The process of turning sunlight into food
What is photosynthesis?
The body system that secretes hormones
What is summer?
the process of water particles coming together when they get cold
what is condensation?
The reason why trees do not die in the winter
What is the chlorophyll taking food to the trunk of the tree?
The part of the digestive system that absorbs nutrients
what is the small intestine?
the change in temperature as you move closer to the equator
What is hotter?
the process of water particles moving apart when they get hot
What is evaporation?
Water falling from the sky
What is precipitation?
The three stages of plants
what is germination, seedling, sapling?
The process of the esophagus and stomach breaking down food by squeezing
what is peristalsis?