This part of the cell is often colored in red and is known as the main part of the cell
Cest qoui un noyeux
Quelled sont les deux types de cellules
Vegetal et animal
What do microscopes do?
Make things appear Larger. Allowing humains to see thinking the naked eye can not see
There is a source of what at the bottom of the microscope that allows you to see though it.
Sorce of light
Le membrane qui garde tous les organites en place.
Ou sont les cellules
Dans les organisms vivant
What is a microscope made out of
Multiple lenses
How much does the oculaire zoom on the picture without adding the zoom of the objectif
This part of the cell is the biggest part in the cellule vegetale
Ques qu une vacuole
What is the size different between the two kinds of cells
In French what is the part you look into called
How invented the microscope
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Centre du noyeux
Cest qoui un nucleolus
How do you look for cells
Look at it under a microscope
Their are 3 special lenses creating different inhansment sizes. What are the sizes?
40x 10x and 4x
What is the big wheel on the side that moves the objective closer and further from the thing your observing called.
Vis marcometrique
Responsible pour Cree les proteins cest qoui ce organites
"Les cellules sont les base de vit" sont un example de qoui
La theories cellulaire
What arre the 3 lenses called
The smaller wheel that is in charge of enhancing is called what
Vis micrometrique