What is the term environment is often used?
To describe the natural world
what is ecological footprint
it is a measure of the demands made by one person or group on natural resources
science is.....
a logical way of thinking about the world
How is data used
it is organized into charts, graphs, or tables
what are peers
people at the same level of education
What does the environment includes
the living and non living things
which country has the largest ecological footprint
why do scientists use observations
they are about the world around them to make inferences (to make guesses)
What are the 2 categories of data
qualitative data and quantitative data
why does science use peers
to review the experiment to determine if there are flaws
what is NOT environmental science
ecology, a social movement
Which country has the smallest
What is the scientific method and how is it used in a daily life
It is way in which scientists gather and use information; you got home from a friends house and you put a key in the lock, but can't open the door
what is a conclusion
it either supports or rejects the hypothesis
What is a scientific theory
it explains a phenomenon and supported by many different fields of evidence
What are examples of renweable natural resources
water and sunlight
What is the tragedy of the commons
using resources not regularly and using them at a selfish rate
What is a hypothesis
a testable explanation for a question or problem
True/False: science is not used to prove that something is true
What are the 3 eithical world views
Anthropcecetrism - places the value of humans
Biocentrism - value on each and every organism
ecocentrism - places value on ecosystems or community as a whole
nonrenewable resources
coil, oil, natural gas
what are examples of tragedy of the commons
commercial fishing; over hunting
What is the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning?
Deductive - compares new things to the rules of the natural world
Are you going to fail the test
what is a example of a scientific theory
The big bang theory