How old is the universe?
13.8 billion years old
What is a lightyear?
One light year is the DISTANCE that light can travel in one year
What are irregular galaxies?
IRREGULAR GALAXIES have unusual shapes like toothpicks, rings,or little groupings of stars.
Temperature Hot to Cold. GO!
Blue, white, yellow, red
True or False? The universe it still expanding.
How far is a lightyear?
9 trillion killometers
What is a spiral galaxie.
SPIRAL GALAXIES look like giant rotating PINWHEELS with a tightconcentration or “bulge” of stars at their centers.
What is the brightness of a star called?
The brightness of stars is called their “luminosity”.
What did the universe start out as
a single dot
One astronomical unit is the average distance between the ____ and the ___.
What is an elliptical galixie?
ELLIPTICAL GALAXIES are completely ROUND or OVAL and usually contain very little organization or structure.
Larger stars have a shorter lifespan ending in a ______.
Larger stars have a shorter lifespan ending in a SUPERNOVA.