It is one of the natural sciences that has as its object of study living beings and, more specifically, their origin, their evolution and their properties.
was an English naturalist, recognized for being the most influential scientist of those who proposed the idea of biological evolution through natural selection
Charles Darwin
The ......... arrived at the Galapagos Islands on September 15, 1835, almost four years after it left Plymouth, England.
Name 5 places that Darwin visited
Rio de Janeiro, BahÃa, Lima,Galapagos,Valparaiso, etc
The father of the periodic table
It is the process by which better adapted organisms displace less adapted ones through the slow accumulation of favourable genetic changes in the population over generations. When natural selection operates over an extremely large number of generations, it can result in the formation of new species. Darwin's concept of natural selection is based on several fundamental observations: