where in the cell is dna found
the nuclouse
what does a lowercase letter represent in a punnet square
a recessive allele
what is the cause of mutation
can result from errors in DNA replication during cell division
what is mitosis
mitosis is a proccesss of cell division that producs 2 identical cell division
what is dna replication
the process of macking an identical copy of dna
what holds 2 strand of dna called
hydrogen bonds
what does a capitl lette r represent in a punner square
a dominat allele
nme 2 types of gene mutations
point mutation and frameshift
name the 4 main stages of mitosis
prophase metaphase anaphase and telophase
where does dna replication occur
in the nucleus during the s phase of the cell cycle
what are the building blocks of dna called
how many boxes in a punnet squre
4 boxes
what is a frameshift mutation
a mutation caused by insertation or deletion of nucleotide shifting the reading frme
what happends during metaphase
chromosomes align at the center (equator) of the cell
what is the role of dna helicase
it unwinds and seperates the dna starnds
what shape is dna
a double helix
what do punnet squres show
possible genetic outcome
what are 3 types of point mutations
silent mssence and nonsensce muatation
purpose of mitosis
grownth,repair and replacement of damge cells
what does DNA polymerase do
it adds complementary nucleotides to the dna strand
what are the 4 bases of dna
A T C and G
If a one parent is AA and the other is aa, what are the off spring s genotypes s
what is mutagen give one exampe
an agent that causes mutations
what happends to the chromosomes during anaphase
sister chromatids seperate and move oppisite ends of the cell
why is dna polymerase do
each new DNA molecule has one original strand and one new strand