I'm solid, liquid, and gas, and I'm essential for life to last. What am I?
I can change my state when you add or take away heat. Solid, liquid, or gas, what am I?
I'm fast when I start, slow when I end. I'm a measure of how far you've been. What am I?
I'm created when you eat, and I help you compete. What am I?
Chemical Energy
The more you take away from me, the bigger I get. What am I?
A hole
I have no color, but I can make a rainbow. I have no weight, but I can fill a room. What am I?
I take the shape of my container, but I'm not a gas. I can flow and be poured. What am I?
A liquid
I keep moving forward, but I never change direction. What am I?
I'm the energy of movement, so I'm never still. What type of energy am I?
Kinetic Energy
I'm always around you, yet you can't see me. You need me to live, and I can carry sound. What am I?
I'm always moving but never alive, I push and pull but cannot thrive. What am I?
I'm spread far apart and move around fast. You can't see me, but I can fill any space. What state of matter and I?
I'm an object's resistance to change its state of motion. What am I?
I'm stored when you're at rest and released when you move. What type of energy am I?
Potential Energy
I'm sometimes hot, sometimes cold, and sometimes just right. What am I measuring?
I'm found in the ground, in the air, and in flames. I'm in every breath you take, though you don't see my name. What am I?
I'm the amount of matter in an object, no matter the size. What property am I?
I'm the path of a moving object, sometimes straight but often curved. What am I?
I'm invisible, but I power your lights. I travel through wires day and night. What am I?
Electrical Energy
The faster you throw me, the faster I go. But if you let me go, I come to rest. What am I?
A ball
A wave
You use me to measure how heavy something feels. But I'm not the same on the Moon as I am on Earth. What am I?
I'm a constant motion all around. The Earth has me, and so do merry-go-rounds. What am I?
I'm the heat you can feel but not always see. I travel in waves and warm you and me. What am I?
Thermal Energy
I'm not alive, but I grow. I don't have lungs, but I need air. I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?