Name two innate behaviors.
Breathing, blinking, a baby grasping an object in their hand, deep tendon reflex, patellar tendon reflex.
What are the four ways animals communicate?
Sound, Light, Chemicals, Body Language
What is a reflex?
A quick automatic response that doesn't require a message sent from the brain.
Why do animals communicate?
For food, mates, warning others of danger, protection, etc.
Give an example of trial and error
What animals communicate through light?
Angler fish, fireflies, etc.
What is estivation?
Estivation is when animals in dry, hot environments decrease their activity
What animals release pheromones?
Ants, Dogs, Moths, etc.
What is an example of cognitive behavior?
Otters use rocks to crack open shellfish, or chimps use sticks to dig insects out of termite mounds, dolphins corralling prey as a group, etc.
Through a series of clicks, whistles, and grunts.