Unit One
Put the days in order
Night and day, sky and sea, land and vegetation, celestial objects, birds and fish, animals and mankind, God rested
Why does science not like complexity?
Too many variables
Three functions of a telescope
Resolution, magnification, light gathering
What are the four ways stars are classified?
Size, brightness, location, variable
How far away is earth from the sun?
What are the two elements? The sun is composed of
What do use solar, flares and sea from the sun created on earth?
93,000,000 miles
Hydrogen and helium
The Aurora’s
Eccentric orbit
Oval-y orbit
What are the limitations of science?
It has to follow the scientific method, not everything is 100% true, science is always changing.
What do astronomers call the area in the sky with imagine the boundaries
Celestial equator
Extension of the earths equator into space
Why are sunspots dark
Because they are cooler than the surrounding sun
Retrograde motion
Counterclockwise motion
What are Kepler’s three laws planetary motion?
Harmony, equal areas, ellipses
What two methods do astronomers have describing where in the sky that stars located
Coordinates and constellations
Chromatic aberration
The failure of a lens to focus on colors
What is a visible surface of the sun called?
The photosphere
Spins on its own axis
What is Newton’s law of gravity?
How many constellations are there?
The Earth rotates at how many degrees in one hour
What galaxy are we located in?
Milky Way
Orbiting another object
The effect where an object appears to change when view from different position
Anything in space
The distance between two consecutive crests of sound waves
Granules last about how long on average
Eight minutes