what is kinetic energy
The energy of motion
what name for this formula called w=f x d
what is the conversion factor for kg to grams
1kg +1gram
What's the formula for kinetic energy
what name is that ke=1/2(mv2)
kinetic energy formula
what is potential energy formula
what is a conversion factors
A number used to change one set of Units to another, by multiplying or divided.
How was fats does a car go on the highway
80 mph
What is the formula for Gpe
What is a conversion factor
A number to change a set of units.
What had the more potential a book on table or the book lifted 2 inches off
The book 2 inches up
What is the conservation factor for feet to miles
5280 ft= 1 mile
a car is 1000 kg traveling 20 m/s calculate the kinetic energy
200,000 joules
What is the conversion factor for the meters