Who invented gravity?
Issac Newton
Is there something called SIGMA bonds?
YES 🗿☝🤓,the strongest type of covalent chemical bond
What is biggest bone in the human body?
Who was the second person to step on the moon?
Buzz Aldrin
What is the hardest rock in the world?
If you change the speed of a sound would the frequency be affected?
No, the frequency would not be affected.
how many elements are there in the periodic table?
How heavy is a brain in average? (answer in pounds)
3 pounds
What is the most MASSIVE black hole in the known universe?
Ton 618
Is obsidian a igneous rock?
Can sound waves generate heat?
What is the atomic number of the biggest element?
how much blood do adults have in their bodies? (answer in liters)
5 liter
What is the largest star in the known universe?
UY scuti
How are igneous rocks made?
Igneous rocks are formed by solidification of cooled magma.
How much net force is required to accelerate a 2000 kg car at 3.00 m/s2?
6000 N
Who Discovered The Atom
John Dalton
how many skeleton muscles does the average human body have?
approximately 639 skeleton muscles are present in our bodies but it varies on how muscles are classified.
which planet rotates on its side? and in which position is that plane orbiting the sun ?
Uranus seventh planet from our sun.
what is the softest rock in the world?
In which medium does sound travels fastest and slowest?
Solids and gas
What are the 5 branches of chemistry?
organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and biochemistry
What is an anther in a flower?
It contains pollen
how long does it take for mercury to revolve its self?
59 earth days
What is the rarest rock on earth?