How many layers of the Earth are there?
What is the layer of gases that surrounds Earth called?
The atmosphere
Define conductor and insulator. Can you name one of each?
Conductor- material that allows electricity to flow through it, anything metal
Insulator- material that electricity cannot flow through, rubber or wood
How many legs does an insect have?
What is the difference between a carnivore and an herbivore?
Carnivore's eat meat and herbivores eat plants.
What layer of Earth generates Earth's magnetic field?
How many planets are in the solar system? Can you name them all?
Eight. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto is a dwarf planet.
What are the two particles found in the nucleus of an atom?
Protons (Positive charge) and Neutrons (neutral charge)
What is the outer covering of an insect called?
What dinosaur had a long neck and was one of the largest dinosaurs?
Central vent
Who were the three astronauts that went to the moon on Apollo 11?
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.
What small particles orbit the nucleus?
Electrons (negative charge)
The changes an insect goes through from egg to adult is called what?
What dinosaur's name means "King of the tyrant lizards"?
Tyrannosaurus Rex
What is the bowl shaped opening at the top of a volcano called?
Which planet spins on its side?
When you rub two objects together, they can ____ or ____ electrons.
lose or gain
How many body sections does an insect have? Can you name them?
Three. Head, Thorax, and Abdomen.
How many periods of the dinosaur age were there? Can you name them in order?
Three. Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.
Define "Biome"
A large area of Earth where certain plants and animals live according to the area's climate.
There have been five Mars Rovers sent to explore the red planet. How many can you name?
Sojourner (1997), Spirit, Opportunity (2003), Curiosity (2011) and Perseverance (2021).
What is it called when there is an imbalance electric charges within or on a surface?
Static electricity
Why is a spider not an insect?
It has eight legs and two body sections. (Cephalothorax and abdomen)
What dinosaur had a heavily armored body, was an herbivore, and had a clubbed tail?