What works together with science?
What is the definition of sound?
Sound is a form of energy that has to do with the vibration of matter
What is the charge of protons?
What is the charge of electrons?
Electrons have a negative charge.
What happens to an atom when it loses a neutron?
It gains a positive charge
Natural philosopher
Is the sound of a flute a high of low-pitched sound?
It is a high pitched sound
What is the charge of neutrons?
Neutrons have a neutral charge
When atoms join together, what do they make?
How does an atom turn into an ion?
When an atom gains an electron or a proton it gains an electric charge, it then becomes an ion
Who was Thales?
Thales was an ancient philosopher 600 years before Christ. he was the first philosopher to try and figure out why things happened.
What does sound need to travel?
Sound needs any type of mater; solid, liquid, or gas
What happens to an atom when it gains an extra electron?
It gains an negative charge
Are atoms indivisible?
No, they can be broken up into electrons, neutrons, or protons
What are the three things atoms are made of?
Protons, electrons, and neutrons
Where did Thales go to study?
He went to Egypt to learn the Egyptian math.
In space there is no sound because there is no matter to vibrate off of.
What is the name of the form of art that has to do with painting tiny dots on a paper?
What happened in our hydrogen peroxide experiment?
it started to foam up because of the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, the foam was created by the escaped oxygen.
Why did the pennies in the penny experiment get shiny?
The vinegar dissolved the copper oxide off the pennies and made them shiny.
How did we "make water" in lesson 1?
We put a cup over a candle and water formed
What is the difference between pitch and volume?
Pitch is how high or low things sound, and volume is about wether something sounds soft or loud
Who was Democritus?
Democritus is the natural philosopher credited with the discovery of atoms.
Why does increasing the temperature of something change it from solid to gas?
Increasing the temperature increases the energy of the molecules or atoms, allowing them to move more.
At the end of the penny experiment, why was the nail colored like a penny?
The iron atoms where happy to give away its electrons to the copper oxide ions in the solution, and because of this the copper oxide stuck to the nail.