True or False. Flowers have male and female parts.
All plants are flowering. True or false
Fish are vertebrates. True or False.
All living things have life cycles. True or False.
What are the 3 states of matter?
Liquid, solid and gas
Pollen comes from the male or the female part?
Name 2 flowering and one non flowering plant.
Many examples.
Flowering : roses, dandelions, tomatoes, strawberries...
Non-flowering: redwood, pine tree, ferns etc..
List 3 invertebrates.
bees, spiders, jellyfish, oysters, butterflies, shrimps, octopus, mosquitos..
Only plants and animals have life cycles. True or False.
False. Mushrooms, bacteria...
Electricity is a contact or non/contact force?
Name the 2 parts that compose the stamen?
anther and filament
Describe the life cycle of a flowering plant.
6 steps.
seed, germination, young adult, adult, reproduction, death.
What are the 5 categories of vertebrates.
Fish, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians.
How to call a young animal?
A juvenile.
Newton law: An object at rest stays at rest unless an... is applied to it.
unbalanced force
Name all the parts of the pistil (female).
Stigma, style, ovary, ovules.
How do non flowering plants reproduce?
Explain the cycle and the cones.
Explain hibernation.
Animals that sleep in winter, whose metabolism slow down so that they don't spend much energy and survive. ex: bears, marmots...
What is an interrupted cycle? Explain.
A cycle that could not be complete because of an external factor.
What causes motion?
Explain the role of each part of the pistil.
Stigma = the pollen sticks on it.
Style= helps the pollen travel to the ovary.
Ovary = protects the ovules.
Ovules = create new seeds when fertilised by pollen.
What is the scientific name of trees that lose/don't lose their leaves.
List 5 potential causes of plant cycle interruption.
Lack of pollinators, flood, storm, drought, destruction of habitats, being eaten,...
Non contact : magnetism, electricity.