Is everything you touch made up of matter?
Yes, everything you can physically touch is made up of matter
What is a pure substance?
A "pure substance" is only one type of particle
What is a mixture?
A "mixture" is a combanation of different substances or types of particles
What is a particle?
One of the very small parts of matter
True or false :: the particles are closely packed together with minimal movement
What are some examples of matter?
Some examples of matter are apples, smart phones, beadwork, basketballs, water, air, etc.
What is an element?
An "element" is a "pure substance" made up of just one type of atom
What are some examples of a mixture?
Some examples of a mixture are soy milk, phones, juice, and air
What is a gas?
a substance or matter in a state in which it will expand freely to fill the whole of a container, having no fixed shape
What are some examples of naturally occuring elements?
Some examples are hydrogen, oxygen, and aluminum
What is a homogenous mixture?
A homogenous mixture is a mixture that has the same poportions of its componets throughout it's uniform
What is a liquid?
a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil
What is a compound?
A compound is a pure substance made up of two of more elements that are joined chemically
What is a heterogenous mixture?
A heterogenous mixture is a non-uniform mixture with visible and individual items or particles
What is a solid?
A solid is that state of matter which has a fixed shape, mass, and volume
What is an example of a compound?
Water is an example of a compound. each particle of water contains the elements oxygen and hydrogen
How do you seperate mixtures?
If substances in a mixture are different sizes, you can use a sifter to seperate them