What is a fossil?
the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
What are the two ends of a magnet called?
What is DNA?
the genetic information inside the body's cells that helps make people who they are
What is the difference between natural and artificial selection?
natural selection is driven by environmental factors, while artificial selection is driven by human intervention, choosing which traits to favor
What is the difference between kinetic and potential engery?
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, while potential energy is stored energy due to an object's position or state, with the potential to be converted into kinetic energy
What are some ways fossils can be formed?
permineralization, where minerals replace organic material; molds and casts, where imprints or replicas are formed; and preservation of soft tissues or trace fossils, such as footprints or burrows
A ball at the top of a hill has _ due to its height, which is then converted to _ as it rolls down
Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy
Why was the finding of Tiktaalik so important?
it revealed the evolutionary transition from fish living in water to tetrapods living on land.
Does natural selection act on the genotype (genes) or the phenotype (physical traits) of an organism?
Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable traits and characteristics of an organism, rather than the genotype, which is the genetic makeup
A car with a mass of 1500 kg is traveling at 20 m/s.
300,000 Joules
How can fossils help us understand past environments?
revealing what plants and animals lived where and when, helping reconstruct ancient ecosystems and climates, and showing how life and landscapes changed over time
Why does a compass point North?
The Earth acts like a giant magnet, and the north end of the compass needle is attracted to the Earth's magnetic south pole
A 20 kg rock is lifted 5 meters off the ground
980 Joules
How can fossils help us understand evolution?
revealing what plants and animals lived where and when, helping reconstruct ancient ecosystems and climates, and showing how life and landscapes changed over time.
How are kinetic and potential energy similar
Both kinetic and potential energy are forms of mechanical energy, related to an object's motion and position, and can be converted into each other.