Why are lions, wolves, and whales considered to be social animals?
What is "these animals live in groups and communicate with each other. Lions live in "prides", wolves live in "packs", and whales live in "pods"
An arthropod with two body segments and eight legs is an ______________
What is "arachnid"
What are the stages of complete metamorphosis?
What is "egg, larva/caterpillar, pupa/chrysalis, adult"
Shrimp and spiders are both considered to be _________ because they have jointed legs, a segmented body, and an exoskeleton
What is "an arthropod"
Why would cold-blooded animals have difficult surviving in polar regions?
What is "Cold-blooded animals depend on the environment for warmth. Polar regions are cold environments. Cold-blooded animals could not keep enough body warmth to survive in continuously cold conditions.
Eats both plants and animals
What are "Omnivores"
An arthropod with five pairs of legs and a claw is a ____________
What is "crustacean"
Jesse found a sea star at the beach. He knew it was a ____________ because it had radial symmetry and tube feet.
What is "an echinoderm"
Some fish have skeletons made of __________, a substance like bone but softer and more bendable
What is "cartilage"
Why can some ticks cause serious human health problems?
Ticks are parasitic and use both animals and humans as hosts. Their bites can spread diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme Disease
Eats other animals
What are "Carnivores"
A ____________ has many body segments and many legs
What is "centipede"
Even though they look different, both an octopus and an oyster are _________ because they have a soft body and a mantle.
What is "mollusks"
What is "blubber"
Bats and dolphins use ___________ to find the location of objects
What is "echolocation"
Eats plants only
What are "herbivores"
Amphibians, fish, and reptiles are _____________ animals
What is "cold-blooded"
A(n) ________ gets its food from water that flows through its body
What is "sponge"
Why are some mammals classified as monotremes? (give one example)
What is "A monotreme is a mammal that lays eggs. Ex. platypus
Animals that are active at night are ____________
What is "nocturnal"
A(n) __________ has three body segments and three pairs of legs
What is "insect"
Birds and mammals are _____________
What is "warm-blooded"
Why are vertebrates able to grow larger than invertebrates?
What is "their backbones provide support for a greater amount of weight"
How are insect mouth parts specially designed for the insects' diets? (Give two examples)
What is "Beetles have chewing mouthparts because they chew the food they eat. Mosquitoes and some other insects have piercing and sucking mouthparts to effectively suck blood. Butterflies and moths have siphoning mouthparts to get the nectar out of flowers.