Lab Tools and Measurment
Earth’s Place in the Universe
Earth’s Systems
Climate Change

Convert 1,000 Millimeters to Meters

1 Meter is equal to 1,000 millimeters 


What was the purpose of the Apollo project.

The purpose of Project Apollo was to send humans to the moon.


Fill in the Blanks:

 ___________ is how a theory proposed by Alfred Wegener; explains how the continents formed ____________, a supercontinent, billions of years ago

Continental Drift, Pangea


Which of these are not a state of matter?

  1. Liquid
  2. Water Vapor
  3. Solid
  4. Gas

Water Vapor


Find the density of A:

A: Mass: 90 g Volume: 15 

The density is 6 g/mL


Which country launched the first satellite and human to the moon?

The Soviet Union was the first Country to launch a satellite and send a human to space.


True or false:

Most of the energy in Earth’s energy budget comes from mantle convection.



During the summer, DC experiences some severe thunderstorms! I've noticed that after the rain, the weather becomes much less humid and warm. What type of front does this describe?

  1. Warm front
  2. Cold front

Cold Front


What is an inference.

An Inference is an educated Guess.


Define Solstice and Equinox.

A solstice is a day in which earth is the brightest or the darkest.

An Equinox is a day in which earth is neither closer or farther from the earth.


List some agents of erosion.

Some agents of erosion are Gravity, Wind, Water, and Glaciers.


4. Write the name of the process next to the state of water it results in.

Word Bank: Freezing, Evaporation, Condensation

  1. Water Vapor ________
  2. Solid Water _________
  3. Liquid Water ________

1. Evaporation 

2. Freezing 

3. Condendation


What is the independent variable and who gets the IV?

The IV is the variable that changes and the Experimental group gets the IV.


Fill in the Blanks: Seasons change because of _______.

Seasons change because of Axial Tilt.


At mid-ocean ridges, why is new crust forms?

Less dense magma comes up through the divergent boundary and cools into solid rock once it hits Earth's surface.

  1. Which 2 processes of the water cycle are most affected by climate change?
    1. Precipitation
    2. Collection
    3. Condensation
    4. Transpiration
    5. Evaporation

1. Percipitation

5. Evaporation 


List 1 Hypothesis for this Question:

 Little John has been hired by the city of Virginia Beach to investigate the recent shark attacks off the resort’s coast. He has a budget of $40,000, a 25 foot boat, and three graduate student assistants to help him. A helicopter has also been donated by a local television station, should he need one. 

If shark attacks are related to the number of elephant seals in a certain area, then shark attacks will increase as elephant seal numbers increase.


What is Gravity?

Gravity is an attractive force that pushed an object into a bigger object.


Select 3:

Convection currents cause...

a) Winds 
b) Ocean Currents 

c) Fossils

d) The Coriolis Effect


a) Winds 

b) The Coriolis Effect 

c) Ocean Currents


Match the air mass with its weather qualities

Word Bank: continental polar (cP), continental tropical (cT), maritime polar (mP), maritime tropical (mT)

  1. Cold, humid ____________
  2. Cold, dry ____________
  3. Warm, humid ____________
  4. Warm, dry ____________

1. maritime Polar

2. continental polar

3. maritime tropical 

4. continental tropical 
