What is an animal that only eats meat called
How are Earthquakes recorded
A seismograph
What is the hottest planet
What are the 3 main causes for erosion
Water, Wind, Ice
What are 3 types of rocks
Igneous,Sedimentary, and Metamorphic
What is an animal that only eats plants called
What type of Natural disaster was Fiona
Hurricane/Tropical Storm
What is the coldest planet
What does erosion do to cliffs and other structures near water.
It breaks them down over time and eventually they collapse
What is the most common type of rock
Sedimentary rocks
What is an animal called that eats plants and meat
What was the worst Tornado in history
The Tri-State Tornado
What planets are being investigated by NASA
Mercury, Mars, Earth
How does erosion affect soil
It decreases the soil fertility
Why are some rocks smooth and some are rough
Some rocks are smooth and some are rough because they of the rocks hitting other rocks and this causes them to change shapes and texture
What is the only mammal that lays eggs
What is the most common natural disaster in Nova Scotia
What Galaxy is Earth located in
The Milky way
How was the Grand Canyon impacted by erosion
It was widened by erosion
How are Igneous rocks formed
When hot molten turns into a solid
What is the only mammal that doesn't have vocal cords
What was the worst Tsunami ever
The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004
What planet(s) have ring(s) around them
Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune
What are ways to protect homes and structures that are near coastal areas from erosion
You can build fences, breakwaters, fences with vegetation, keep rocks and plants, prevent building patios and driveways that will run off and eroid the ground faster, Also avoid building within 100 feet of shore.
What is the rock cycle
The rock cycle is when the three main types of rocks change from one another