Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

The distance is the length that an object travels. Displacement is the distance and direction of an object’s change in position from its starting point and final point.

What is the difference between distance and displacement?


If two shopping carts of equal mass are pushed with different forces, how will their motion be affected?

The carts will accelerate differently. The cart that is pushed with greater force will accelerate more than the cart that is pushed with less force.


What kind of waves are ocean waves?

Ocean waves are mechanical waves. 


Why is a dwarf planet not classified as a planet?

It does not clear the neighborhood around its orbital.


Because the Moon takes about the same time to orbit Earth as it does to rotate, how does the moon appear from the surface of Earth?

The same side of the Moon is always visible.


 The acceleration is defined as a change in velocity over time. In all the types of motion shown in the comic, the velocity of the hiker is changing.

Why are the motions shown in each of the panels considered types of acceleration?


How much force was applied to a 10 kg shopping cart if it accelerated at a rate of 2 m/s2?

Remember that force is the product of mass and acceleration. If you multiply the mass (10) and the acceleration (2) together, you will get 20. Thus, 20 N of force was applied to the shopping cart.


What kind of waves are microwaves?

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves.


Which of these are described as having a rocky surface and a metallic core?

Rocky planets


The gravitational force between the Moon and the Earth has what effect on Earth?

ocean tides


Your answer should be similar to the following: 

Newton’s laws were inspired by some of Galileo’s observations about the motion of objects. Galileo observed that objects remained in motion unless stopped. Galileo also observed the effect of gravity on objects with different masses and shapes.

Which observation of Galileo was later used by Newton in his laws?


What kind of force is friction?

Friction is a contact force. Friction is a force that resists motion, often between two objects while they are in contact. Remember that contact forces are a push and a pull through contact.


Why can’t the people in the red towers be together?

The people in the red towers can’t be together because they are both in North towers. In magnets, the similar poles repel each other. Since the towers are a part of castles that represent magnets, the red North towers repel each other—making it so that the two people cannot be together.


What is the difference between dwarf planets and asteroids?

Asteroids are nonspherical in shape.


About how many Earths would be needed to make up the mass of the Sun?

333,000 Earths
