What is the study of objects and phenomena in space called?
For Canada, what day is the winter solstice?
December 21st
Where are the Moose Mountain and Roy Rivers Medicine Wheels located?
Saskatchewan, Canada
What is considered the best-known constellation?
The Big Dipper
What is a celestial body?
A celestial body includes all astronomical objects that are visible in the sky.
Examples: Stars, Planets, Comets
For Canada, what day is the summer solstice?
June 21st
What is an example of an ancient calendar?
Aztec Sun calendar
Great Pyramid of Giza
Chinese star maps
Greek and Roman calendars
What celestial body do the most navigations rely on?
The Polaris, or the North Star.
What is a grouping of stars that can resemble a form or picture called?
A constellation
When is the autumnal, or autumn equinox?
Around September 22nd
What is an example of a structure that cultures have developed to predict solstices and equinoxes?
Moose Mountain
Roy Rivers Medicine Wheel
Sun Dagger
Temple of the Sun
What is an example of a device used for celestial navigation?
What is an Asterism?
A smaller, recognizable star pattern within a larger constellation.
When is the vernal, or spring equinox?
Around March 21st
Why would it be important for ancient cultures and civilazitions to predict seasons?
To know at what point to plant and harvest crops.
To prepare for hunting, fishing, or gathering.
To know when to perform certain cultural practices.
Why was locating celestial bodies and their positions important to ancient astronomers?
To predict celestial phenomena, such as the changing seasons and to navigate the open sea.
What is an Equinoxe?
They are an occurrence when the hours of daylight and the hours of night are an equal length.
How long have the Chinese been celebrating the winter solstice?
2500 years
What messages did constellations tell to traditional Lakota people?
When to travel to wintering grounds and when to conduct sacred ceremonies.
When measuring objects seen in space, what two measurements would you use?
Altitude and Azimuth