What type of relationship does this describe? As X increases, Y increases OR as X decreases, Y decreases
-100 points to the group after yours
What are the three steps in the Basic Approach for answering charts and graphs questions?
1. Read questions first
2. Circle details, titles, trends
3. Draw on/use your mouse to follow trends on the graph.
What are the steps of approaching a "fighting scientist" passage?
1. Save these for last.
2. Find all student 1 questions & answers. Find all students 2 questions & answer. Find all students 3...
3. Answer all "Both scientists/all scientists" questions.
What things are indicative of a research summary passage?
Experiment, tables, paragraphs
-300 to the group after you
The independent variable is always found on the ____ axis
As X increases, Y decreases OR as X decreases, Y increases
inverse or indirect
When you open your ACT, the first thing you should do is...
Find charts and graphs!
According to hypothesis 2, when do monarch butterflies not require the storage of lipids?
During the overwintering period
-200 points to the group of your choice.
What are the important steps for completing research summary passages?
1. Read questions. Circle important titles, details, trends
2. circle/highlight points on the tables
3. answer questions based on the tables
The dependent variable is always on the ____ axis
The variable the scientist changes on purpose
Independent Variable
+200 bonus points
What type of chart/graph shows change over time? What type of chart compares?
Line, bar
According to hypothesis 1, why do monarch butterflies require lipid storage and how does lipid storage change over the time of migration?
Monarch butterflies require lipids for energy throughout migration. Lipid storage decreases over time.
If you have to read during a research summary passage, what should you read?
First and last sentences of every paragraph
+200 bonus!
What is the experimental group of an experiment?
The group where conditions are changed/ the independent variable is applied
The variable the scientist measures
Dependent Variable
Is the relationship between CH4 and Solar radiation direct or indirect?
Which hypothesis states that lipids increase over the course of a migratory period?
Hypothesis 3
What should you do if you have 5 minutes remaining on the ACT?
Choose one letter! (Probably B or C)
Describe what constants are in an experiment and give an example.
Variables kept consistent throughout an experiment.
Define controlled variables
Variable not changed- kept under as natural conditions as possible.
-300 points to the group of your choice.
What will solar radiation be expected to do 300 years from now? What about CH4 concentrations?
CH4 will decrease. Solar radiation will decrease.
+100 points to the group before you!
What questions on conflicting viewpoints do you save for last?
Both, all, and general questions.
+100 bonus!
What section takes up the majority of the ACT?
Research Summaries
-300 to the group before you
What graph should I use if I am describing the speed of an airplane?
Line graph: Change over time