What are the three main body parts of an insect
What is Head, Thorax, Abdomen
How many antennae do insects have
How many legs does a crustacean have?
what is 10
how many legs do arachnids have?
what is 8
What does The word arthropod mean?
what is, jointed-foot
how many compound eyes do grasshoppers have?
What is 2
What does being a “social insect” mean?
what is having jobs and roles in their communities as insects
What are some crustaceans?
what is lobster, crab, barnacles, Shrimps. *potentially more*
How many pairs of legs do arachnids have
What is 4
What is the arthropod group that contains spiders?
what is, arachnids
what are the main body parts of arachnids?
What is head, cephalothorax
How many body regions do insects have?
what is 3 body regions
What body relations do crustaceans have?
what is cephalathorax, abdomen
What are some arachnids
What is spiders, Ticks, Scorpion. *may be more*
What class of arthropods does the dust mite belong to?
What is arachnids.
What are the main four functions of the exoskeleton.
what is protection, Movement, prevent drying out (water loss), and support for the body
What type of metamorphosis do grasshoppers use? what are the steps
What is incomplete metamorphosis, egg, nymph, adult
How many pairs of legs do crustaceans have
what is 5
How many body sections do arachnids have *for extra 100 Points list them*
What is 2, the cephalothorax and abdomen
what are the two classes of arthropods that have two body segments. *know as the cephalothorax, and the abdomen.*
what is, arachnid, and crustaceans.
What is the structure in a grasshopper that picks up sound vibrations is called?
what is, the tympanum
The structures that’s grow out from an arthropods body and can be used for walking, swimming and.or sensing are called.? what does the word arthropods mean
what is appendages, jointed foot
What is the first pair of legs used for and what are they?
what is catching food and protection, and claws
What is, spiders, ticks, scorpions. *maybe more*
Identify the correct class of Arthropod the following belong to:
what is: