What is a structure?
A structure is something that you can see and touch
how do you stay safe online?
Don’t share your personal information.
Double-check any links before you click.
How does cyberbullying take place?
Online, like a digital device.
What is the classification of a wooden chair?
What is a manufactured structure?
Made by humans
What are the 3 types of structures?
Solid, Shell, Frame
why is being safe online important?
Protect yourself, and your data
No bullying
Avoid being tricked or spammed
What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying refers to unwanted, repeated, aggressive, negative behavior that takes place over digital devices
What is the classification of a water bottle?
What is the propose of structures?
To handle a load or force
Like trees, what makes structures last a long period of time?
making them flexible
What can happen if you're not safe online
Identity theft, Phishing and scam email, Fake website, Online scams, Inappropriate content,etc
What is the age rage for cyberbullying?
around 14 and 15 years of age
What is the classification of a goldfish?
What is natural structure?
Made from nature
what is the best shape for a structure?
A triangle
What age of kids are affected by not being safe online?
between 8 and 12
what kind of cyberbullying is most common?
The most common are offensive name-calling, spreading false information, and making threats.
What is the classification of a human body?
what are two ways to classify structures?
Natural or Manufactured
what is the tallest structure on earth?
Burj Khalifa skyscraper
How many kids are not safe online?
19% of children.
What percent of children have been cyberbullied?
14.5% of children between the ages of 9 and 12 have been cyberbullied
what is the classification of a school
What are the two main causes of structural failure?
Natural disaster, Manufacture flaws