a broad field of study focused on discovering how nature works and using that knowledge to describe what is likely to happen in nature
What is science?
Daily Double
What was covered in chapter 1.
What is Environment and Sustainability?
Asking questions
What is the first step in the scientific method?
What is the immediate goal of science?
To build knowledge around the world
Scientific Law ________ be broken
a practice used by scientists to ask questions, gather data, and formulate and tests hypothesis
What is the scientific method?
a well-tested and widely accepted description of observations that have been repeated many times in a variety of conditions
What is scientific theory?
obtaining, evaluating, and communicating
What is the last/ 8th step in the scientific method?
Which step uses if-then statement?
Scientific hypothesis
Name a Scientific Theory we talked about
1. Bing Bang Theory, 2. Theory Of Evolution, 3. The Plate Tectonic theory
a possible and testable answer to a scientific question or explanation of what scientists have observed in nature
What is a scientific hypothesis?
a physical or mathematical representation of a structure or system
What is a model?
Developing and using models
What is the second step of the scientific method?
In an experiment, researchers try to keep all _____________ the same between a control group and an experimental group except
What are some values that support good science? Name at least one:
logic, critical thinking, objectivity, open-mindedness, and honest reporting
the process of scientists reporting the details of the methods they used, the result of their experiments, and the reasoning for their interpretations
Peer Review
Daily Double
Amount of land and water needed to supply population with renewable resources.
What is ecological footprints
Using math and computational thinking
What is step five of the scientific method?
Science is a collaborative _____________ effort
True or False: Hypothesis are NOT tested more than once to ensure validity and reliability of the experiment.
a description of what scientists find happening in nature repeatedly in the same way without known exception
What is scientific law?
Factual information collected by scientists
What is data?
Forming arguments from evidence
What is step seven of the scientific method?
Scientist are people and come with their own ______
What are some of the limitations of scientific inquiry?
Nothing can be proven absolutely