Gould and Goodenough
Dawkins and Feyerabend
Cognitive Science of Religion
Aristotle's Metaphysics
Act 590 and the Decision by Judge Overton
non-overlapping magisteria
What is the NOMA?
This, according to Richard Dawkins, is not a religion.
What is "science"?
These concepts are readily communicated in virtue of their ability to stimulate our intuitions without overloading them.
What are "minimally counter-intuitive concepts"?
Everything is a hylomorphic compound of these two kinds of things.
What are form and matter?
Balance treatment of creation-science and evolution-science.
What is the requirement set by Act 590?
This, according to Ursula Goodenough, has plenty of interesting things to say to religion.
What is "science"?
This, according to Richard Dawkins, may well be science; however, if so, it will be bad science.
What is "religion"?
One of the virtues of cognitive science according to Justin Barrett.
(1) What is cognitive science of religion's "avoidance of defining religion"? (2) What is cognitive science of religion's "lack of trying to give an exhaustive account of religion"? (3) What is cognitive science of religion's "methodological pluralism"?
Via the reflection of rays off of the surface of the Earth.
What is the process, according to Avicenna, via which the sun heats the Earth?
This is guided by natural law.
What is science?
This theory claims that nature was not aware of our arrival and is, to use our terms, utterly indifferent to us.
What is "cold-bath" theory?
What science, unlike religion, is based upon?
This concept, according to Barrett is inconsistently counterintuitive, is an intentional agent, possesses marginally strategic information, does act in the world, and only marginally motivates reinforcing behavior.
Who is Santa Claus?
The shadow of the Earth on the moon during a lunar eclipse.
What did Aristotle think gave empirical evidence for the sphericality of the Earth?
This includes includes the scientific evidences and related inferences that indicate: (1) Sudden creation of the universe, energy, and life from nothing; (2) The insufficiency of mutation and natural selection in bringing about development of all living kinds from a single organism; (3) Changes only within fixed limits of originally created kinds of plants and animals; (4) Separate ancestry for man and apes; (5) Explanation of the earth's geology by catastrophism, including the occurrence of a worldwide flood; and (6) A relatively recent inception of the earth and living kinds.
What is creation-science?
The two Popes, mentioned by Gould, that held that evolution and Christianity are not inconsistent.
Who are Pope John Paul II and Pope Pius XII?
These, according to Paul Feyerabend, (1) are not shared between all the sciences and (2) do not separate them from the the non-sciences.
What are methodologies?
This, according to Stewart Guthrie, constitutes a good bet given the uncertainty of the world and our priorities.
What is "guessing something is humanlike"?
This according to both Aristotle and Avicenna could be called the proper color of that which is transparent
What is light?
These are the characteristics which separate science from non-science according to Judge Overton.
What is science's "tentativeness," "being guided by natural law," "being explanatory in reference to natural law," "falsifiability," and "testability?"
The constitution of the empirical world and the search for proper ethical values/spiritual meaning, respectively.
What are the subject matters of science and religion?
Will science may have produced these, Feyerabend does not think it did so exclusively by its own means.
What are the results of science?
These are the criteria for a successful God concept.
What is "minimal counter-intuitiveness," "intentionality," "possession of strategic information," "acting in the real world," and "motivating reinforcing behaviors?"
According to Aristotle, this is necessary for vision of an object.
What is the "medium" between the eye and the object of sight.
These are three of the expert witness present at the McLean v Arkansas trial and that argued against Act 590.
Who are Michael Ruse, Francisco Ayala, and Stephen J. Gould?