ChatGPT is also known as this AI.
Weak AI/Artificial Narrow Intelligence
Our sources of energy are coal/gas, nuclear energy and ______.
Hydro-electric sources
Biotechnology can help develop this hormone aimed at managing diabetes.
The US used digital tracking during the Capitol Riots, held on this date.
January 6, 2021
This country has the largest military spending in 2024.
United States
This is the full name of the developer of the test that can distinguish a machine from a person.
Alan Turing
This refers to manipulating facial appearances using AI or machine learning to generate visual/audio content to deceive.
This controversial website allows for reverse image searching of individuals' faces.
The military spending of this country has increased significantly since 2023.
This describes the period that comes with free energy (by superintelligence).
This is the deadliest nuclear plant accident in history.
The "passing" of this test means that a machine cannot be distinguished from a human.
Turing Test
This allows the SG government to detain individuals believed to be self-radicalised.
Internal Security Act
This is the city where a drone strike mistakenly killed an aid worker.
This supercomputer was the first computer to win a match against a world-champion chess player.
Deep Blue
This country owns this highest confirmed number of nuclear weapons.
This term refers to the evolution of humans into an enhanced species.
This is the term for a third way of content moderation (using both humans and tech).
Signature-Based Content Removal
These weapons make the use of military technology incredibly controversial.
Intelligent Autonomous Weapons
In which year was the term "Artificial Intelligence" first coined?
These are the four countries who have never signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
Israel, India, Pakistan, South Sudan
Name this billionaire who has been chasing "youth" using controversial means like injecting himself with his son's blood.
Bryan Johnson
The Onion
This gas was used in the first successful large scale use of lethal chemical weapons.