What is a landform?
a large natural structure on the earth's surface (mountain, a plain, valley)
Tectonic plates
What is lava?
the molten rock that erupts from a volcano
What type of landform do landslides usually happen?
a slope, hill, mountain
What is soil?
The top layer of Earth's surface is made up of minerals, organic matter, air, and water.
What is a natural resource?
Materials found in nature that people use, like water, soil, or minerals.
What is the point underground where an earthquake begins called?
the focus point
what is a dormant volcano?
a volcano that is not currently erupting but may erupt in the future
What natural event, that is caused by heavy rain can trigger a landslide?
floods, flooding
What is the smallest particle type of soil? (Sand, Silt, Clay)
What is an earthquake?
shaking of the ground caused by movements in the Earth's crust
What is the point on the Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake occurs?
What is a vent?
This is the opening in the Earth's surface through which magma and gases escape.
What is the medium particle type of soil? (sand, silt, clay)
What is a landslide?
sudden movement of rocks or soil down a hill or mountainside
a seismograph
What is a composite volcano?
This type of volcano forms from layers of lava and ash.
What are large amounts of snwo and ice that slide down a mountain that are similar to landslides?
What is the largest particle type of soil? (sand, silt, clay)
What is a volcano?
an opening in the Earth's surface through which magma and gases or only gases erupt
What are the waves of energy that travel through the Earth during an earthquake?
seismic waves
What is the underground chamber where magma collects before an eruption?
Magma chamber
What two processes make up soil? Describe them.
Weathering - the breaking down of rocks
Decomposition - the breaking down of dead leaves and animals