Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

The warming effect of this natural phenomenon has increased the biodiversity of areas like Nantucket. The Antilles Current connects with this phenomenon at the intersection of the Florida Strait. For the point, name this warm ocean current that originates in the southern US and makes its way along the eastern coastline through the North Atlantic.

Gulf Stream


This quantity is proportional to temperature, but inversely proportional to pressure from the combined gas law. This quantity has a value of 22.4 for one mole of an ideal gas. For the point, name this quantity describing the space occupied by a substance, usually expressed in liters.



Elevated levels of free fatty acids are a risk factor for resistance to this hormone. The effect of this hormone is opposed by glucagon, and this hormone is released by beta cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. For the point, name this hormone involved in blood sugar modulation, which is often taken by people with type 1 diabetes.



These devices can include a light-blocking component called a coronagraph, and protesters on Mauna Kea are trying to prevent a Thirty-Meter one of these devices from being built. NASA administrator James Webb is a namesake of, for the point, what type of devices, the most famous of which is named for Edwin Hubble?



A specific class of these compounds is named for Gilbert Lewis. The Bronsted-Lowry definition of these compounds involves the donation of hydrogen ions in solution. The acetic form of these compounds is found in vinegar. For the point, name these compounds which exhibit a pH below 7, contrasted with bases.

Acids (accept Superacid; accept Lewis Acid)


Fat is stored in the subcutaneous layer of this organ that makes up the integumentary system. Exocrine glands secrete an oily substance called sebum to lubricate this organ, which is the largest in the human body. Th dermis and epidermis are layers of, for the point, what organ affected by eczema and acne?

Skin (accept Dermis before mentioned; accept Epidermis before mentioned)


An unnamed ring of this planet parallels the orbit of its moon Galatea. Objects in a 1:2 resonance with this planet are known as “twotinos,” and a spinning storm on this planet is known as the Great Dark Spot. Triton is a moon of, for the point, what planet in the solar system, located farthest from the Sun?



Mary Anning collected these objects in Lyme Regis. Types of these objects include coprolites, and an arrangement of these objects comprise "Sue" at Chicago’s Field Museum. Iguanodon and Diplodocus were identified after discovering, for the point, what objects dug up by paleontologists?

: Fossils (accept Dinosaur Bones)


This phenomenon was the subject of the Cavendish experiment, which was the first to yield an accurate value for a physical constant used in a calculation involving Newton's universal law of this phenomenon. Galileo dropped balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, showing that acceleration due to this phenomenon is the same for all objects. For the point, name this force of attraction between masses governed by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Gravity or Gravitation


This is the simplest non-aldehyde molecule that can form an enol through a tautomerization reaction. A cooling bath at negative 78 degrees Celsius is created by mixing dry ice with this polar aprotic solvent, which consists of a carbonyl group bonded to two methyl groups. This three-carbon compound is commonly used to clean laboratory glassware. For the point, name this simplest ketone often found in nail polish remover.

Acetone (or Propanone)


Complications with this organ are typically seen in patients presenting Levine’s sign. Bachman’s bundles and Purkinje fibers depolarize this organ. This organ produces the signal for the QRS complex on an EKG. This organ is divided into four chambers known as atria and ventricles. For the point, name this cardiovascular organ that pumps blood through the body.



One collection of these features gives its name to the Jurassic period. The process of folding in the crust can create these features. Varieties of these landforms include fold, block, and volcanic. Orogeny refers to the creation of a new range of these geographical landmasses due to uplift of tectonic plates. For the point, name this type of landmass, examples of which include Kilimanjaro and Everest.

mountains (or mountain range; accept Jura mountains or Jura mountain range; prompt on “Jura”)


This theory can help explain adaptive radiation as the filling of various niches. This theory was formulated in part from observations of finches on the Galapagos Islands. The formulator of this theory referred to it as “descent with modification” and outlined his discoveries in On the Origin of Species. Natural selection is an important mechanism in this theory. For the point, name this theory formulated by Charles Darwin.

evolution (accept natural selection until mentioned; prompt afterwards)


These objects can be placed into three principal categories based on work by Luke Howard, who developed the common Latin nomenclature used to describe them. Types of these objects include lenticular, nacreous, and contrails. Common classifications include cirrus, stratus, or cumulus. For the point, name these puffs of air and water vapor which form in the sky



According to the first law of thermodynamics, heat minus work equals the change in the “internal” form of this quantity. One form of this quantity is equal to one-half m v squared where m is mass and v is velocity. This quantity is typically defined as a measure of “the ability to do work” and can be divided into kinetic and potential components. For the point, name this quantity whose SI unit is the Joule.



An experiment using this organism compared the ratio of nitrogen 14 and nitrogen 15 in DNA. This organism was used by Meselson and Stahl to show that DNA replication was semi-conservative. This organism is infected by lambda phage. Outbreaks of this bacteria are usually caused by the O157:H7 strain. For the point, name this rod-shaped gut-residing bacteria from the Escherichia [ES-cah-REE-chee-uh] genus. ANSWER

E. coli (accept Escherichia coli; accept just coli at the end)


This object’s Reiner Gamma exemplifies its namesake swirls. Studies of this object by George Darwin led him to propose the Giant-impact hypothesis of its formation. Hot lava regions that cooled into flat dark spots created the mares on this object, such as the Sea of Tranquility. This object has waxing and waning gibbous phases. For the point, name this object which orbits the Earth in approximately 27 days.

Moon or luna


According to Goldbach’s conjecture, all integers with this property can be written as the sum of two primes. Functions described by this term are symmetric about the y-axis. Performing an exponential on a negative real number with a natural number that has this property is always positive. The smallest prime number is the only prime with this property. For the point, name this property present in numbers divisible by two



Isaac Newton’s calculation for this phenomenon’s speed was too low due to treating its travel as an isothermal process instead of an adiabatic process. Interference between two waves of this phenomenon is responsible for beats. This phenomenon travels at 343 meters per second and cannot be perceived above 20 kilohertz. For the point, name this phenomenon measured in decibels and created by thunder.

sound waves (accept speed of sound)


While studying these events, H.F. Reid of Johns Hopkins coined the term “elastic rebound” to describe the weaker events that follow. The S and P waves from these events propagate from a hypocenter. The magnitude of these events is measured on the Richter scale. For the point, name these seismic events which occur when tectonic plates rapidly slip past each other along faults, which causes the ground to shake



Holes in this structure are referred to as fenestrae in anatomy. Trepanning is a method of relieving internal pressure by putting a “burr hole” into this structure. The bones of this structure are joined together by fibrous sutures. This structure includes the frontal bones, occipital bones, and temporal bones. For the point, name this bone structure made up of eight cranial bones and fourteen facial bones.

skull (accept skulls; accept cranium until “cranial” prompt afterwards)


This phenomena is related to a field denoted with an uppercase B. The change in the magnitude of this phenomenon can be used to create potential by Faraday’s law. Ampere’s Law describes how current can produce a non-zero value for this phenomenon. This phenomena is typically measured in Teslas. For the point, name this phenomena present in objects with a north and south pole.

magnetism (accept magnetic field; accept magnetic force; accept magnets; bar magnets; accept geomagnetic field; prompt on “B-field”)


The cycle of growth of this structure is separated into anagen, telogen and catagen phases. This biological structure is rich in alpha-keratin, whose disulfide bonds explain why it smells bad when burned. This protein structure separates into the bulb and follicle. Sebum supplies oil to this structure that can be stripped with shampoos. For the point, name this feature of mammals that grows on the skin and scalp of humans

hair follicle (accept hairs; prompt on follicles)


It’s not temperature, but this quantity can be measured by a psychrometer [sai-CRAH-mahtur] which uses both a “dry bulb” and “wet bulb” thermometer. A psychrometer [sai-CRAH-mah-tur] is a type of hygrometer [hai-GRAH-mah-tur], which is a class of instruments that measures this quantity. This atmospheric measurement is actually “relative” since it indicates how close to saturation with water vapor the air is. For the point, name this percentage measurement, which is low in places that experience “dry heats.”

relative humidity (accept humid; accept water vapor concentration before “water vapor” is mentioned prompt afterwards)


The premise of these things as a fundamental unit was first proposed by Matthias Schleiden [muh-TIE-us shly-dun] and Theodor Schwann. The theory of miasma prevailed until the discovery of this fundamental unit. Spontaneous generation proposed these fundamental units could form from dead matter. Robert Hooke observed these units in cork and named these things after the rooms monks live in. For the point, name these fundamental building blocks of life.

cells (prompt on germs or microbes until “cork” with “what fundamental unit makes up germs?”)
