Qualitative vs. Quantitative / Observation vs. Inference
Experimental Variables
Science Equipment and Uses
Metric System Measurements

Qualitative or Quantitative

The green sweater


How many Independent Variables should you have in an experiment? Why?

Only 1! To ensure that it is the only variable influencing the outcome of your experimental test group.


What lab equipment would be used to put out fires?

Fire Extinguisher


What metric measurment would be most effective at measuring the length of a pencil?



Who is responsible for lab safety?



Qualitative or Quantitative

16 Classic Cars



What is a constant?

All of the factors in an experiment that are kept the same to ensure only the Independent variable is influencing things.


What tool would be most accurate at measuring a liquid's volume?

Graduated Cylindar


What unit is most commonly used for measuring mass in a lab? What tool would be used to measure it?

gram - digital scale


If something went wrong in your experiment, in which step of the scientific method would you discuss this?

The Conclusion - these are referred to as "sources of error" and may result in a need for retesting your experiment.


Observation or Inference

The flower petals were white and yellow.



Experiment: One tank of gold fish is fed the normal amount of food once a day. A second tank is fed twice a day. A third tank is fed four times a day during a six week study. The fish’s weight is recorded daily. All tanks were of the same size and shape.

Identify the IV, DV, and 1 constant 

IV: The amount of feed per day

DV: The fish weight

Constants: The tank size and shape


When measuring a liquid, it is important to remember that measurements are always taken at the bottom of the curved water surface known as the ...

Meniscus - Also, pay close attention to what scale a measurement tool is using - is it counting by 1's, 2's 5's, etc.


If you wanted to graph the results of a sports popularity survey among students, what type of graph would best represent your data?

Bar Graph - used for counting items in categories.

What is the difference between a Theory and Law?
A Theory is a hypothesis with evidence supporting it. A Law has been repeatedly proven with mathematics and applies to similar circumstances (Law of Gravity, Laws of Motion)

Observation or Inference

She made a funny face so she must dislike the food she is eating.



Experiment: The effect of a cars speed on the gas mileage was tested for a new car. The car was driven at different constant speeds ranging from 20 mph to 100 mph on the same highway and the mileage was recorded. The factory rated highway mileage for the car is 34 mpg at a speed of 40 mph. 

Identify the IV, DV, and Constants

IV: Car Speed

DV: Gas Mileage

Constants: Factory Rating of the Car and the Same Highway


List 3 lab equipment supplies used to protect students during a lab?

Gloves, Goggles, and aprons


Covert the following:

1 m = ___ cm = ____ mm

1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm


How are independent variable and dependent variables related?

What is as the independent variable changes, the dependent variable changes as a result of the independent variable's change.


Observations are different from Inferences - Explain How?

Observations can be proven using your 5 senses, Inferences are assumptions made using the evidence collected using your 5 senses.


Experiment: Galileo rolled spherical objects down inclined planes with and without friction. He measured time for different angles of inclination. Under normal conditions there is rolling friction between the inclined surface and the rolling object. 

Identify the IV, DV, and Constants

IV: Presence of Friction or Not

DV: Time to complete the roll

Constants: Angles of tested incline, the rolling spherical object


How would you compare the accuracy of a Beaker, Ehrlenmyer flask, and graduated cylindar?

Most Accurate:Graduated Cylindar

Least Accurate: Ehrlenmyer Flask


What is the first thing you should read when presented with a graph or pie chart?

The Title and/or the Labels for the Key and X-Axis/ Y-Axis

What are the steps of the Scientific Method?

Ask a Question/Identify a Problem, Make a Hypothesis, Plan an Experiment, Conduct the Experiment, Collect/Analyze Data, Form a Conclusion, Share your results  - retest if necessary
